So, 26", 27.5" and 29".

I'm looking at replacing the Five in a couple of years due to all the modern standards I struggle to find parts. Try finding a 1/8th 150mm fork in decent condition and not from many years ago or a 27.2 dropper seatpost which isn't like an ejector seat or £300 + . I will keep the Five without a doubt it has served me well and has many memories to it. I may have a look and keep open minded about the Segment when the time comes...

This argument is just the same as the hardtail vs full sus. New developments that make it easier to ride over rough stuff meaning you can (need to) go faster. If you aren't racing then surely it's about having fun not getting from A to B as quickly as possible.

Seen the new 11 speed XT groupset? It's totally aimed at big wheeled bikes. No good at all for a 26r, especially if you like to ride to the trails on the road. ... ook-44084/
Re: Re:

Raging_Bulls":1fpat29u said:
Seeing as I spend 95+% of my time on paved roads, larger wheels only slow me down. I ride 26" on all bikes, but I'm pretty sure that for me 20" is the sweet spot.
Road bikes have bigger wheels and they're used on paved roads :roll:
I have one of each size.

The 26 feels like a kids bike, but I'm 6.2.

The 650b Hardtail I have is brilliant, but it's also the most modern so that helps (better geometry for what I want).

I'd not buy another 26 bike unless it was a cheap retro project. I was very anti 650b until I tried it. Keep an open mind. But if you like what you ride no point changing.
the rolling diameter of 700c road bikes is roughly the same as a 26" MTB wheel - depending on tyre

*and, the whole point is kinda being missed here: Cycling is a business, a cash cow to be prodded and poked to generate income. In order not to appear stale, 'new' and exciting things have to appear now and again to keep the whole merry go round spinning. Its not for our benefit!

Keep that in mind when buying anything and buy what works for you rather than what the magazines say.

Andy R":3oxjtokf said:
JamesM":3oxjtokf said:
Seen the new 11 speed XT groupset? It's totally aimed at big wheeled bikes. No good at all for a 26r, especially if you like to ride to the trails on the road. ... ook-44084/

Why can't you "ride to the trails" with an 11-42T cassette and 26" wheels? I must be missing something here.

Because up front, assuming you buy the triple, you only get a 40. So 33 gears to choose from and the highest one is only 40:11. 10 Speed XT had a 42:11 and 9 speed had 44:11. I presume the reduction is down to bigger wheels. I didn't say you couldn't ride to the trails but a 40:11 with 26" wheels on the road is a bit low.
The new XT groupset looks good but I'm perfectly content on a 10 speed drivetrain with a 40t range expander, it's more than adequate... At least 10 speed XT gear prices will drop with the new release :p .

I can ride to the trails with a 11-36T cassette and a 30T front ring!

AND that's on 26" wheels as well :shock:

I accept that 30mph is about the top speed I'll get on the road, I'm more interested about the ride OFF-road.
Re: Re:

JamesM":34iny9a9 said:
Because up front, assuming you buy the triple, you only get a 40. So 33 gears to choose from and the highest one is only 40:11. 10 Speed XT had a 42:11 and 9 speed had 44:11. I presume the reduction is down to bigger wheels. I didn't say you couldn't ride to the trails but a 40:11 with 26" wheels on the road is a bit low.
Man, you still need to learn how to pedal.