Wanted Small Panniers (front)


Senior Retro Guru
Looking for a pair of small front panniers, around 15 litres or thereabouts.

To try out on my touring bike.

I'm bidding on a lowrider rack on ebay, but if I don't win that I'll be after one of those too.


If it would help, I have some small Carradice Overlander panniers, plus a pair of pannier carriers (not a rack, separate carriers mounted to each side of the forks). Can send pics.
I think I am sorted now, but will let you know later on.

Do like the overlander range though!

Thank-you ☺️
I'd love to see some photos of the overlanders and the racks.

Bought some altura panniers and racks today but didn't realise the racks won't work for me. So may need some, but waiting on a friend to see whether he has a hooped jobby I could use.

I do like the overlander range so could be tempted, depends how much they are I guess!

I'd love to see some photos of the overlanders and the racks.

Bought some altura panniers and racks today but didn't realise the racks won't work for me. So may need some, but waiting on a friend to see whether he has a hooped jobby I could use.

I do like the overlander range so could be tempted, depends how much they are I guess!

Sure, although it sounds like your existing panniers are already pretty good. But below are some pics of the panniers I've taken. However, I don't have the pannier carriers to hand as they're not stored in my home, but I've seen pics (one below)on the internet that look v similar, so at least you'll have an idea what the design is like. My ones are also alloy but mine are black in colour.

Many thanks for the photo's @walkmanman, but I think those racks look like they also require a braze-on that bolts from either side of the fork leg? Regardless I am going to hold out for one with a Hoop over the wheel, and use the Altura panniers that I picked up yesterday.

Cheers again, Joe
Sure, although this is why I'd described them previously as not being a rack, but separate carriers mounted to each side of the forks. Not sure how the hooped one you mentioned mounts but the main thing with mine was that each side is separate, and therefore they can only be mounted with the braze on you mentioned. Anyway, hope you find something.
Apologies for not being a little clearer.

I believe there are 2 x different 'types' of the Separate Carriers you mention / offered.

My understanding is that the items you have required a braze-on like this, to allow the rack to fit to both sides of the fork leg.


Whereas my forks only have a bolt in the outside face of the fork leg;


So, I can only fit either a Hooped item, or a 'single' carrier like this (which differs to yours, which have a 'double' top bar, to fit either side of the braze-on);


Cheers, Joe