Skip find Saracen


Retro Guru
Ok its not a Kili and its looking very sorry for itself but it was found on a skip and no doubt many of you will suggest it should have stayed there.

Infinity tubes, curious "roadster" style geometry, and big chainrings. Pre dates the BadBoy by a good few years and its in my size. Let project workbike commence!!!

If anyones got any scans for this bike id be interested, its called a Cross edition.


  • saracen 004.webp
    saracen 004.webp
    51.5 KB · Views: 975

nice one, im sure you will put it to good use.

im a bit envious though! too much responsible recycling is going on these days*. all i find is dry-wall remnants and debris from cement mixer clean-out in skips i come across.

*total irony of course. i admire local council and contractors efforts towards a greener planet and waste management. 8) :lol:
Skips do rock, Ill be keeping a keen eye out from now on.

All I kept finding were references to a street in Glasgow as well but I think ive traced this to a model that became known as the crosstrax in 1991. There's no reference to anything like it in 1989 so its either a 1990 or, being as this was found about three miles from the old Saracen factory, it might have been a pre pro model. Judging by the pants group on this compared to later crosstrax it may well have been.

Its a 26 in wheel with really skinny rims. I havent come across a factory built hybrid this old before.