Silverfish 1992 Mountain Cycle San Andreas

Absolutely fantastic build, can't fault it.
maybe chunkier tyres
Thank you 🤩
They’re 2.35 tyres, which was pretty chunky for 1992! 😳

Think I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring for BOTM. Not really sure how I could have improved this build, feels pretty much perfect to me 👌
Dream bike, great build :cool:

The only thing is the images deserve to be displayed as full images. If you go to the bottom of any of your posts with images and click on edit, then on insert multiple, then check the select all box, then click on full image and then save, the images will be full size instead of thumbnails 👍
Dream bike, great build :cool:

The only thing is the images deserve to be displayed as full images. If you go to the bottom of any of your posts with images and click on edit, then on insert multiple, then check the select all box, then click on full image and then save, the images will be full size instead of thumbnails 👍
Thank you - I did wonder why all my images were always small and everyone else's were huge :)
Thank you for that - very much appreciated 😍
They’re 2.35 tyres, which was pretty chunky for 1992
I'm nitpicking and it's personal preference, maybe I should have said more aggressive rather than chunkier but as I said I'm nit picking and the build as is is awesome.