Silverfish 1992 Mountain Cycle San Andreas

Finished your set yesternight! Ready to ship today ... cheers and thank you! You got the last set of the limited edition "tequila sunrise" elastomers. lol if that was important ;-) ;-) ;-)

Suspender System II Mountain Cycle San Andreas Elastomere Spring Set by Falko Schlötel Germany.jpeg
So pleased with how this has turned out. Absolutely pristine. Need to get it outside in the sunshine and photograph it.
Bearing in mind the recent sad news about Robert, I really feel I needed to finish this one. Been sat in the warehouse/on the to do list for about 10 years!

Hopefully I’ve done justice to the legend the maker and the legend the machine 😍 IMG_6900.jpeg IMG_6901.jpeg IMG_6902.jpeg IMG_6904.jpeg IMG_6905.jpeg IMG_6906.jpeg IMG_6908.jpeg IMG_6910.jpeg IMG_6911.jpeg IMG_6912.jpeg
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That looks crazy, I see you found a nice place for the handlebars, they look sweet on this.
This is early 90's?, again crazy, do they ride well or do they steer as a truck.
That looks crazy, I see you found a nice place for the handlebars, they look sweet on this.
This is early 90's?, again crazy, do they ride well or do they steer as a truck.
Lovely ride, point and shoot, although the ride was much better once we moved on from elastomers…

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