Silverfish 1991 Funk


Senior Retro Guru
So we finally get to decide what colour cable outers šŸ¤£

Saw this on eBay back along but it was way too spendy. Spec was pretty bling but wasnā€™t keen on all the 3DV parts. I let it sit for a while and then managed to do a sensible cash/collection deal plus the seller chucked in a load of other parts.

This is what it looked like then. Need to mix it up with some shiny silver bits now which is going to take some time to pull together.

Always loved Funk and rode with a few guys in California who had cool Funkā€™s but they were bonkers expensive back then so it was never an option for me šŸ˜¢ When I moved back to the UK and started selling to UK bike shops in 1995 there were still a few of these hanging around in shops. Andy at Sshokwave Nottingham certainly had a few hanging from the rafters. But by 95 we were all about FS and I was selling Amp Research so I never scratched that itch.

Now I canā€¦

FYI. Cables will be black šŸ¤£ IMG_4277.jpeg IMG_4278.jpeg IMG_4279.jpeg IMG_4280.jpeg IMG_4281.jpeg IMG_4286.jpeg
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