Silent Freehub?

Why is it silent? Well greased maybe?
I think that YOU have all clues! I am curious, so if I were You,I would have that M732 assembly apart as to see what parts do I need to fit it to another M732 hub. Or rather grease that "loud" freehub,but not overgrease pawls, as sticking pawls tend to not engage properly and You (well me) look like fool when they let go while trying to put power on pedals at lights! :oops:

I believe you have a quiet freehub, i just don't believe you have a silent clutch on an M732 hub.
Plenty if used grease and bits of grime used over time makes them quite. Why the fast engagement I don't know. Maybe a die effect of not actually hearing it engage. Pump WD40 through the back seal and then relube and it may well get louder.

Of course I would love to be shown wrong so we can see what new about it.

Sounds intriguing...
I'd also like to see the freehub body you have.

Please post up some photos and we can have a look at it.

I'm also in Cheshire so you could bring it over for a look too.
I had a "silent clutch" hub on my daily commuter I used last summer. This really is nothing you want to use. It has a very weired feel to it, when pedaling up a hill in a light gear. You can feel the springs working. When you press the pedal down, the springs compress and only then the wheel starts to turn. And when you release the pressure, the springs uncompress again and push the wheel a tiny bit further. The result is a very wobbly feel. Hard to describe - as if you had a rubber chain...

What I wanted to say: If you have a "silent chluth", you will now it. And you will not be tempted to try and buy one for your other bikes ...
Always wondered about these. I had a M563 LX hub that I was convinced was a silent type because it made no noise - nice in a way, but at the same time worrisome that it's not working how it should. I think the previous owner
must have soaked it in a high viscosity oil - it never slipped and wasn't particularly sloppy either.