I need a little help in here.... I bought this bike years ago. It is said that this bike cost around 5000 Euro when it was new. When bought from the local bicycleshop.. he replaced the original black stiff fork with a Manitou fork.... he also gave me the original black fork which Im thankful for
The tires that are on now is Ritchey slicks and thin tires..... and the rims are Compagnolo.
I started some minor work on it. The decals at the top tube (Axis TT Team titanium) was looking bad and had released from the frame so I had to remove them.... but the other decals was nice so I didnt wanted to touch those... I saved the original grips (black with diamond back logo) but replaced them with some new foam grips I had at home.
Now to my questions because I dont have the age experience in here to have all the facts about this model...
Year: Does anyone know which year this Diamondback is from?
Front fork question: The fork that is on now is a Manitou.. I googled about it and its something called Manitou easton E9. But the fork doesnt work.. it is stiff. The old man who sold it to me said he had open it up some time ago and oiled it up inside and also oiled the parts... but he also said that the technology in the fork is "rubber pads".. and it could be that these needs to be changed. Is it possible to buy new rubber pads for this type of fork or how should I get it to work again? Or is the best to throw it in the thrash because its not worth it... and if there is a chance to buy rubber pads for this fork... where can I buy it?
Seatpost: I realized that the seatpost is a struggle to get up and down... and I have put some oil down in the tube where the seatpost is.. the oil was a wd-40 spray which is a multispray. Is the seatpost slow because its a titanium frame? Or is the solution to buy some kind of grease instead? The seatpost seems to be very light.. and the brand is Roox or something... is this seatpost also titanium?
Would be grateful for some advice about this...
// Robert