Show us your shed!!

stumpjumper1990":31y7u6ey said:
Epoch":31y7u6ey said:
Here's my work area and the new stand I picked up today

The garage is not quite finished but I'll get there eventually

Is that an old kitchen in the back?? Hope you kept the fridge for a beer during your build! :LOL:


The left hand door as you look at it ;) a B&Q finest when i was flush


that was shortly after installation though, it doesn't look that full often

The garage was built to allow for my other passion (Car Detailing as AR CoolC's post link shows) to florish, but it's a great space for all the things I'm not allowed to do in the kitchen now I'm married and have kids!!
Epoch":rf9e5z72 said:
AR-CoolC":rf9e5z72 said:
I thought I'd seen that garage somewhere before Epoch ... ght=garage

Your other obsession :LOL:


Amazing the amount of men that share the same hobbies/obsessions :D

The bike is obviously wearing some rather nice wax too ;)

Tis a small world, I'd saw that thread too :eek: A mate posts on that forum and he was showing me a car he'd done and I had a look around and came across that thread.
love the s bike!
a real rare gem, i built a suspension one with lockout back in the day for a customer of mine, he ran it with a tioga disc drive that i built too
Dr.Robotnik":1tqkpcbv said:
sam264":1tqkpcbv said:
Dr.Robotnik":1tqkpcbv said:
I think I may win for the smallest man zone later when I show mine :shock:
Hey, I'm all for having a gander at someone else's garage, but nobody wants to see that!! :LOL:

I set them up and you knock them down, what a team ;)
:roll: I thought it was too good to be true.
this probably doesn't show mine very well, and pics are taken over time, and it now looks a bit different 9just a move around)...







heres my last 2 garages, i'll get one of the new place later


  • my old garage.jpg
    my old garage.jpg
    52.2 KB · Views: 2,833
  • my old garage 2.jpg
    my old garage 2.jpg
    57.6 KB · Views: 2,833
Mine (Build in progress):


The inside is just plasterboard at the mo, am having the fun of designing the layout now, its hard with a blank canvas (and having less space than I thought!), there will be space for 5 bikes max, two on hooks on the wall, kitchen units/worktop built as a workshop with a pillar drill/vice/bike workstand/trueing wheel etc along the back wall, and a bar and a running machine in the seperate right hand side of the building.