SHOW US YOUR IMACS (formerly iMacs should I bother?)

Had my connected to a 42'' Panasonic tv. Looks great. If I could stop buying bike parts I'd increase the RAM to 16. It's a shame the new machines can't uprate the RAM. Have to buy the machine with the RAM you want.

That's the Spirit of Steve Jobs at work, that is. Apple control freakery locking everything down, so you can't tinker and do repairs and upgrades yourself.

That's a big old screen you got there!

+1 for the Mac Mini. I love these – it's a shame they stopped shipping with the cd slot.

This affinity photo is a bit more photoshop on steroids than I expected.

Camera does ok:

then tweaked:

Taking into account the Retrobike upload restrictions, those photos look pretty damn good – think I'll give Affinity a try myself.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog <>?":|}{+_)(*&^%$£@!1234567890-=[];'\,./

Well that seems to be ok. Wired full size proper apple keyboard for £20 via fleabay :)

If anybody wants a trackpad it's your for £20 posted. Will be going on ebay shortly.

The wired extended/normal sized keyboards work much better – the wireless ones are too narrow/cramped and they eat batteries.
Bit fiddly with the sd card slot so will get a dinky reader as I have a four usb 3 port

Remember fumbling around the side for the sd slot on mine, only to lose the card into cd drive slot just above it :facepalm: managed to retrieve it with tweezers. On the newer iMacs, the sd slot is inconveniently located on the back with the other ports.
Today I got an audio interface. I also downloaded garage band and can now record instruments alongside loops or completely multi track my own composition. Very impressive. I've used an electric guitar so far with amp simulations provided by the software.