Look's great Konaglider, your plans for it sound fine
This is on here already but here it's back as a single speed with Magura's

, not normaly a user of bar ends but someone mentioned needing leverage with a single speed and after climbing a few hills felt they were necessary so went for red X-lite ski bends, blue flavoured wheels are only temporary as they are intended for my Manitou FS, getting some red Odessey sharkbites for it soon and may go for a red saddle.
Rides fantastic though, dont know what the weight it but it feels pretty damned light
Looks GREAT Jimi- love the mags and the bar ends

, when you get the wheels it will look sweet- I have a red flite saddle that I could swap you but mine is a bit more beat up than your loverley black one- give me a shout if that is of interest?