Show us where your retro magic happens!

Mine (until a few days ago when I started to sell off excess bikes!)


Reflex frame , Colnago and proflex hanging from the ceiling , road bike at the back .....

and waiting for more . :LOL:
it seems to be overun with the little monsters old stuff at the moment....a trip to the tip may be in order! :twisted:
In one of his classic interviews Peter o'Toole was smoking copiously. When asked by his interviewer if he wanted an ashtray, his response was (while flicking his ash on the floor) 'Darling, make the world your ashtray'.

In much the same way, you'll find a set on allen keys in almost every room of my house, 'make the world your workshop'! Unfortunately I moved from a Flat with no garage to an ancient village where no house has a garage. Whenever I see some of you guy's garages I go green and sulk!
I have just tidied my shed up, so will photo and post at the weekend.
I also want to wait because my parents are coming up at the weekend and bringing my road bike with them.....I'd like it to be included in the photo :cool:
bit of space osutside my flat's front door


one bike at a time lives here while being fettled, or if i cba to gop to the garage after riding them. it has my AA in it at the mo, she's showing off with her saddle up stem down pose.


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