Show us what you did today, thread

A sign of the times that I have different masks for different tasks
While I have had to adhere to a pretty rigid protocol due to still being able to work throughout and at the same time protect my family, who are high risk and hence shielded, face masks have become an accepted part of life. While I have masks, shields and powered respirators at work, these are the short term wearing, shopping and essential stuff masks.
The cool VW one was made for me by my best lady Fiona, who has been making them for an NHS trust, and knew I needed a non disposable for out of work. very cool :)
The other one is from Playmobile who have been making them for the last few months and works on an effective but simple tissue type short term filter. They are a couple of pounds which most is donated I think to UK Covid charities.
They have the usual cartoon instructions for kids which also show them how to wash their hands the right way. The kids will wear them more easily as being playmobile they are cool. This one will live in my van for when it's needed when out and about.
Just thought I would share and if anyone thinks it's not the place then just say and I will remove, not intended to start a debate on anything.
Stay safe macretro clan and hopefully we ride together again soon.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Perfectly valid Jamie.
My mother makes masks for any organisation that requests them, I have several that I wear in supermarkets etc.
My mother and numerous contacts have also supplied scrubs to hospitals and health centres.
It's good to see the community working together to help out.
Good wishes and health to all ;)
Hi Velo
That's a great thing for your mum to do. Boonie who rode with us at Forth Fat and Baltic Bawbags has been busy making scrubs for the Elgin area NHS Trust too.
Hopefully this good community spirit will continue long after Covid 19 recedes away.
Stay safe mate. :)


Had to get up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning today, but after getting the necessary chores out of the way it meant I was free for a couple of hours on the bike before lunch... what a nice morning it was too! The wind did pick up a bit from nothing on the way out to a fairly steady headwind home (confirmed by the nearest wind turbine on the route which was stationary when I left and birling merrily when next spotted), but at least it provided a bit of cooling.

Hi mate
yeah really windy up here but a short ride out into the headwind so I had an easier run home.
Just put the little man to bed after watching the SpaceX launch. Hopefully be able to see it pass around 11.20 tonight.

Jamiedyer":3oxv0atd said:
Hi mate
yeah really windy up here but a short ride out into the headwind so I had an easier run home.
Just put the little man to bed after watching the SpaceX launch. Hopefully be able to see it pass around 11.20 tonight.

Ach, forgot about the launch tonight after watching on Wednesday - will set myself a reminder so I don't forget to go out tonight for a look. At least the skies are clearer tonight and it'll be darker than Wednesday's planned time...
A lovely day up here in the north today, pretty much the same as yesterday really and while sunny and warm there has been a really strong south easterly blowing. While I have had a few rides to town and a bit of commuting this was the first ride for a while that had no destination, just a rough direction with a meandering route. The aim was to just go for a ride and see where I ended up.So after a lovely morning at home the Jack Taylor was checked, chain oiled and off.
Nice weather to just be out cruising along and while the roads were noticeably busier than what they have been, they were still quieter than normal.
While the wind was pretty wild depending on direction it wasn't enough to spoil such a nice ride. The bike was riding perfectly, so a nice couple of hours were spent heading around the coast, taking a couple of off road or dirt road detours which are normally a bit muddy but were bone dry today and then a few singletrack tarmac lanes with just a bit of roadwork thrown in when it was necessary, though to be fair there was not much traffic anyway.
I then returned home to a late lunch while watching the Space X dragon module dock with the space station before the family went across the field to the beach. No one at all as only one way in and was fine for Heather who is still in lockdown/shielding.
A good day indeed. I hope everyone else has had a good weekend as well.
Stay safe


IMG_2980 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2982 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2986 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_3012 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_3003 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2991 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
This is up in Caithness. The first photo has Dunnett head in the background, the most northerly point of mainland UK and behind that to the left is the Island of Hoy.
The second last photo is from Dunnett Head looking across to Hoy. Not in view but just behind but parallel to Hoy is Orkney.
In the first photo, I live just down the power line and to the left. The beach is just down this track.
The last photo is looking back across the bay from Dunnett with my local beach being across the water and roughly in the middle of the view. Near to where I started.
That was probably more info than you needed :)


Looks amazing Jamie.
We’d similar weather down here. Heading out with the trailer and even Sharron. With lockdown, they’ve been doing a lot of shooting at Barry Buddon. Luckily today was just a half day, so we headed down and out to the abandoned lighthouses. Down on the beach the tide was well out and it looked like you could reach over and touch Tentsmuir. Logan loves being on the sand and was tottering about with a bit of a helping hand. Were a few walkers about, but because you can’t park anywhere near, the beach was fairly deserted.

Hoping to get out tomorrow without the trailer for the first time in two months.