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Any pics of the R100?

Very nearly got an ex plod R80 once, in many ways wish I had. Never forget following a uniformed polis bike along Piccadilly many moons ago, complete with neatly pleated blonde pony tail dangling seductively from rear of helmet. Could have followed that for quite some time but had to divert to Vauxhall Bridge Road :D
Re: Re:

Out and about this afternoon after a very productive day, one job was finishing painting that shed door Mr P ;)
Will get a photo up soon.
Was a great way to start the day in the lovely morning sun with a coffee and listening to a singer I like streaming a concert back home live on facebook. Very Sunday morning :)
One job I had this afternoon was to get rid of that annoying clicking from the bottom bracket on the Jack Taylor. So after stripping it all down and the cleaning as much as I could from the bottom bracket and refitting as everything seemed fine and in great condition. I ended up fitting a thin spacer to the drive side as I found that it was such a close fit with the chainring I wondered whether it could be flexing and the bolt touching every now and then, though no real marks or paint missing in any substantial way to prove this but just trying to cover all bases.
So once back together I thought I have to test ride it so went on a very nice ride into town and around the coast to Scrabster before back through town to home.
Hope all had a nice weekend and are staying safe and healthy.


IMG_2878 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2884 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2882 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2893 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

and home!....down on the left.
IMG_2895 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Mr Panda":3vhiv8cd said:
But has the annoying click gone?????

Yes it has! So a job worth doing. I think it was just that the drive side crank bolt was not done up tight. I remember before going to the Jack Taylor weekend I had to tighten it as that is when the creak had started and then on the ride on the Saturday on the JT weekend it started again. I just thought my BB was on the way out. It may not have been this but I stripped it all out, cleaned and lubed everything and then back together, then did it all again and put in the small spacer as when I did it up, it felt tight but not quite tight enough. So spacer in and it then did up tight and was certainly fine on the ride, even when standing up the hills. Time will tell I suppose.


Made the most of the blue skies this afternoon to stretch my legs on the road bike... perfect cycling weather again although as usual at this time of year the wind was against me coming home.


The weird towers on the ship at the right are the jackets (foundation towers) for the latest batch of wind turbines going in on to the nearby offshore wind farm, though judging by this interesting video of the brand new crane vessel that was supposed to be heading over to lift them it may be a little while longer before they make it to their final destination!
Looking great weather down with you as well.
Best to make the most of it.
What were you riding?

Jamiedyer":307pdrw4 said:
Looking great weather down with you as well. Best to make the most of it. What were you riding?

Hi Jamie, was riding my only road bike, Genesis Aether 10... not very retro (although the paint job is quite nicely retro) and not very glamorous spec but other than a couple of broken spokes it's been entirely hassle-free for nearly ten years and there's something to be said for that...

Actually I suppose at nearly ten years old it's more retro than I'd like to think!
Lock down road ride.

To keep within the spirit of lockdownI kept it within 4 mile radius of home.

I originally was going to take the singlespeed out and give it/me a flogging, but it must have read my mind because its tyre had gone soft. I decided I wasn't going to muck around fixing it while the sun shone, so I took my comfy slow bike which has the decadence of 3 speeds.

This is actually a road, a very old one. Goes back at least 500 years, maybe twice that.

Took the high route, still not decided where I was going at this stage. Cromarty Bridge in background.

Same spot, looking back to Dingwall. That spit once had MacBeth's castle on it. The ruins were raided for the stone that now lines the canal that follows the line of the Peffery. (Canal built by Telford).

After a few miles, this side road looked worth a wee look.

It was worth it because I found this bit coming off it.

How many railway bridges have a coat of arms? This one lets you know you are now on the grounds of the Chief of the Clan Munro.

It took me down to sea level on the A9. That wasn't as exciting as usual!

Over the mile long Cromarty Bridge and on to the Black Isle (keeping within the radius of home). The colours of spring are erupting all over with some spectacular displays of yellow. Lots of nice narrow roads to play on too.

It may be sunny, bit there's still snow on the Ben (Ben Wyvis).

Remember what I was saying about spectacular displays of colour? :)


A quick ride this afternoon since the sun was shining, went across the River Dee south of Aberdeen to explore an area of woodland that looked like it had a path around it on the map.
I must have ridden past the entrance to the woods loads of times, but never noticed a stone by the side of the road and the faint Footpath heading off into the trees.
Turns out there's quite a network of paths around the woods, lots of nice single-track :D
However things took a turn for the weirder when I came across this poor creature apparently hooked up to electric cables.... There's something creepy about those woods :|


  • IMG_20200507_155218_copy_1248x1664.jpg
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I was once out dog walking in woodland in SE London and found a fellow stripped to the waist and handcuffed to a tree, hands behind back obviously. :shock:

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