Show us what you did today, thread


Managed to get out for a quick hour after work with Panda 1 on Panda 3's Fire Mountain/Caldera :D Easy bimble to the cemetery overlooking Morvern and Ardgour.

Also took the Lava Dome which I bought off here 3/4 years ago. New front derry cable (b'stard Suntour X-Press unobtanium!), replaced seatpost clamp, lubed up all over and an oily rag wipe down and all is well. 95% original and frameset is 9/10 condition, just a few scuffs on one or two graphics :cool:

Need to replace rear wheel as spokes are rusty chromed steel jobs, but other than that a jolly fine beast. Now tinkering with Panda 4's Cape Wrath as he's broken the chain twice this week....


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Must be one of the very few bikes with a complete suntour X-1 groupo still in actual use. The first place suntour shifters of that ilk see at Edinburgh's bike station is a dim and murky parts bin never to be seen again. No one wants them.
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velomaniac":10od2nq0 said:
Must be one of the very few bikes with a complete suntour X-1 groupo still in actual use. The first place suntour shifters of that ilk see at Edinburgh's bike station is a dim and murky parts bin never to be seen again. No one wants them.

Says Mr Shonky! We respect our tackle on the west coast and these work perfectly without a glitch, the bike having seen very little use. Before you bin any X1 shift cables, NOS obviously, send them to me. A thousand thankyous in advance.


I may be Mr Shonky but at least I've never ridden a bike with tyres balder than my own heid as I remember you doing on one of our trips, possibly Arran :)

Lovely looking Lava Dome Mr P! If you need cables for the Suntour Shifters then I found that universal tandem gear ones fitted and worked just fine, the end is a bit smaller but they work the same, beats trying to find NOS unobtainium Suntour ones ;)

Page 2 of my Proflex 750 build thread... ... p;start=10

Today I changed a rather tired looking chainring on my modern-ish Cove Stiffee.
The other day I replaced the chain (long overdue :oops:) but when I was out for a ride the drive train was making a right racket, I decided it was the chainring not wanting to release the chain, but as it seemed there was no risk of dropping the chain I continued merrily on my way.
I'd half hoped that the chain would stretch to fit the old chainring, but no.
I was just about to get on ebay and order a new chainring when guess what? I remembered I had a silver one "in stock" already! This probably means I have too much bike related sh*t, but it's times like this that it comes in handy :LOL:

So new chainring fitted, no waiting for a replacement to arrive in the post, and I can go for a ride on the bike tomorrow :mrgreen:


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Oh and Mr P, if you fancy pimping out that Suntour X-1 groupset then I have (somewhere) a NOS "Chroma" kit for it, flouro pink/yellow/green add-on plastic bits to brighten things up :cool:

(I definately have too much bike sh*t laying around :LOL:).
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jimo746":3cminw7c said:
epicyclo":3cminw7c said:
Concept I do not understand...

How's the Great Cull of 2020 going ;)

Good question. :)

I don't see much point on sticking stuff on eBay right now because I'd have to give it away. I even bid on a bike, and some swine outbid me.

So disastrous. :)

The Great Accumulation of 2020 is going well though.

Bought a BMW R100RT in well battered condition. Currently stripping off the fripperies to turn it into a standard R100.

Also I added to my collection of bound volumes of Cycling. Don't have many holes in it now between the 1800s and 1950. If anyone else has these I'm up for swaps or for purchase as I'm keen to fill the holes (I have a number of duplicates).

1950 was my arbitrary stop line, but I've started filling that in too because I want more info on the 1950s bikes which seem to be my preferred rides for a combination of versatility and lightweight and reasonable brakes.

The 1950s may be the true Golden Age of British cycling IMO. Quiet roads, quality steel lightweights from several manufacturers, and domination of the world market, and it was a given that a bike was built and expected to last your lifetime. Drivetrains weren't regarded as consumables, and Oops! he's off on his rant about the dangly things....

But the problem with having what amounted to almost a market monopoly was that management got hidebound and like dinosaurs the UK industry got wiped out by the asteroid called the automobile, and failed to evolve for new opportunities like the MTB, the Moulton, and dare I say it, the derailleur. :).

Get me out of this lockdown, I'm raving...