Show us what you did today, thread

Speaking of builds, and that is tempting Peachy, but I will have to wait a few weeks before I can do anything.
Today was a glorious day up here and while the wind was pretty ferocious it wasn't as cold as it has been and without it the day would have been perfect. Had a few things to do this morning, one of which was start prepping the shed door and frame for repainting, MR P ;) , it will soon be white frame with a terracotta door.
Heather also decided to do a bit of painting but she was far more ambitious than me as Caleb and I came in for lunch only to find the wallpaper in the kitchen half stripped. :shock:
With this in mind, after lunch we beat a hasty retreat back outside.
We had to take the cover off the wooden HW Old Town canoe and make a plan as we have to sand the gunwales and varnish again, they weren't as bad as I remembered so that was a bonus, a light sand and we should be right to go. We also decided to repaint the white on the hull, though instead of the off white it currently is we decided to redo it in the bright white it left the factory with, and leave the burgundy stripe and redo the monogram. We eventually want to have a pattern on it that we have on a catalogue poster from back in the 30's but for this it's centenary year we thought best to put it back to how it left the factory. The little man will soon understand sanding, wax on, wax off, wax on, wax's a big canoe :LOL:
Meanwhile I had the can of Canuba wax sitting in the sunshine softening to wax the Jack Taylor so I could try and protect the 'patina' or 'rust' as I say. So after this I joined Caleb on his ride up to the end of our singletrack road where I then headed off away from the coast to head southwest for a bit of a ride to try and find the cause of a creaking sound in the BB area. After many miles and a bit of time I concluded it was the BB! Elementary chaps ;)
The back roads were nearly all single track farm roads so pretty quiet, not that the main roads were busy at all.
The Jack Taylor was its usual pleasure to ride, with maybe the creaking bottom bracket letting it down for once, though not enough to spoil a lovely ride. This bike I must admit is one of my favourite rides, some frames ride well and do everything faultlessly but this has it's own feel and for the way I ride now it just feels perfect, it is quick handling, very stable, but has to be the most comfortable, relaxed feeling frame.
It seems that maybe that's what happened to my mojo with some of my recent mock ups, maybe I lose interest because I have such a great ride sitting ready to go, either that or it's my ADD ;)
Hope you have all had a great weekend and everyone is staying safe and healthy.


IMG_2777 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2794 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2800 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2802 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2805 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Meant to say - I'm a fan of the brown saddle with blue frame - just like brown shoes and a blue suit - very hipster :cool:

You should call it "Jack Flash" ;) looking resplendent in the sun there Jamie.
I'll have to get out on my road bike this week too!
Hopefully your getting some of this nice weather down your way Jim.
It was 16 today and clear as Sunday. Maybe summer has come this week. My neighbour said tonight ' don't get your shorts out yet, it could be snowing on Sunday'
Long may it last


Walked up a wee hill with the dug, 15 minutes from the house. Not a bad evening....been like this about 4 weeks FFS! Hope you're all safe :xmas-big-grin:


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Looking nice Mr P!
We went for a walk to the beach last night after dinner, must have been about 7.45 or so.
We just cross the field next to the house and there we are. Quite a quiet little beach as it's surrounded by farm and access is just either fields or a small dirt track. As Heather is classed as high risk this is only about the second time she has left the yard.


That's Dunnet head in the foreground and Hoy behind. We used to live just the other side of Dunnet head.
IMG_2810 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_2820 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking beautiful up there this time of year. About 18 years ago I was in Shetland when the weather was like that. The do a great Amber Ale called Simmer Din which is supposed to reflect the light they get on summer evenings. Fantastic and tranquil. Orkney a couple of years back was the same. Your lucky to live where you do :)

Thanks Velo
We are very lucky, and especially in the current climate.
We are very thankful.
On the flip side though, the weather for the other 350 days....... is winter.

Re: Re:

velomaniac":1e5l8hil said:
View it as a karmic life balance. In Oz before you moved to Northern climes you had 350 days of summer.
Aye, but the winters are grim up in the north of Oz.

Some days the temperature drop to the low 20ºs. You've got to be tough to endure that... :)

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