Show us what you did today, thread

legrandefromage":iaizm0df said:
The bike has four scratches.

Sorry to hear that :cry:
I'm surprised no one actually asked if the bike was ok, what's the world coming to these days ? :roll:

Visiting family in Glasgow today, so I escaped the chit chat for a few laps of Cathkin Braes . it was a bit chilly :xmas-big-grin: with some great views down over Glasgow.


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Last time i had a major injury/crash that kept me off the bike for more than a couple of days (22 years ago now) i snapped a frame.....

Everything since has just been relatively minor. Aches, pains, bruises, road rash, the odd cracked bone........
Its my first crash since my teens. Did a proper job too! Teeth missing, split lip. Am hoping to go out again soon. Have rebuilt the offending bicycle. It might be jinxed though.
dyna-ti":ob4p2qo5 said:

Yeah I found the Velosolutions pump track today, don't think it was there last time I visited the Braes? :?
It was nearly the end of me today, covered in snow and ice but I thought "ill just take it slow...", did a few laps and then somehow lost the back wheel on one of the lips. Front wheel still up top, rear wheel down the lip, and me freefalling with the bike coming down on top of me :shock: :LOL: luckily I landed on my feet and just let the bike tie itself in knots as it landed :LOL:
Hi all
Mark, that looks like some crazy type faceplant and glad your on the mend and not carrying anything too lasting from it. While it was bad, it does show it could have been a lot worse. At least we can see it is getting better but still try and take it easy and give it all some time to knit back together before riding on the edge ;)

For myself it has been a nice family type day of riding as we woke to a little bit more fresh snow so Caleb and I thought we better make the most of it in case it goes too quick. So it was out with the Big Dummy and down from the loft came the good German sled and off we went. We did a few miles around the local roads and laneways playing as we went. Hoping to make the most of it before any traffic mushed it up. Then we headed back home and picked up mum and the dog and went back out. I just kept riding the Dummy sometimes with the boy on the back and sometimes enjoying the lightness without him :) It was pretty nice out, quite cold and a good bit of snow coming down on our way home, but now I was getting a bit wetter and making things a bit slushy once a car or two had been on it.
After lunch and a bit of snowman building in the back yard Caleb and I headed back out but this time solo, Caleb on his Frog and myself on the Pugsley. The temp was up slightly and clearly the nice snow from the morning was slowly receding and turning slushy and wet. So we needed to make the most of it and spent our time looking for laneways and tracks that were still snowy and unslushed by any traffic. Caleb had a ball despite not taking his gloves and also being on his semi slick tyres. He did really well, managing some thick boggy stuff as well as some really icy patches.
Hope everyone else has had a good weekend and hopefully the weather was good for you.


IMG_0409 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0294 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

1DSC_0288 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_20190203_101426_resized_20190203_113705489 (2) by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0421 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_20190203_101444_resized_20190203_113706767 (2) by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0309 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5659 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5654 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5666 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5657 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5659 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Great stuff, Jamie. That lad is going to be tough as nails when he gets older.

Imagine the tales he's going to tell his kids.

"My dad used to make me cycle to Thurso in the snow and ice, and wouldn't let me wear gloves. It wasn't even an eBike"

Your grandchildren will recoil in horror and mutter about that monster Granpa they have... :)
Arrived home to find the postie had delivered my new bottle cage for the Big Dummy. It's a PDW Owl Cage.
I originally went to buy one of the Always Riding water bottles from their shop then seen they were on sale and also spotted they had a couple of the Owl cages well reduced. Went to put them in my basket but at the checkout it just wouldn't go through, remembered in the morning to give them a ring and was told just order the cage at the reduced price as the bottles are free if you buy a cage as they are already packed with the cages. Ended up getting the Zefel bottle I wanted with the Owl cage I thought I had missed out on for less than the price of a bottle. Bargain!
Sometimes it the little things ;)


DSC_0291 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0289 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_0292 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

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