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Nice Pauls levers and are they Avid Ultimates?
They certainly look good and I imagine work pretty nicely as well.

Jamiedyer":19owue07 said:
Nice Pauls levers and are they Avid Ultimates?
They certainly look good and I imagine work pretty nicely as well.

Yep Avid Ultimates, haven’t tested yet, cables are in the post
After my complete blowout last weekend at the tour of East Lothian still a painful memory, but thankful for the ride in Velos company and then the welcome of a place to stay on the way home from Brian, all was not lost. Just one of those rides I suppose where I should have been more prepared and look after myself better when travelling down.
This weekend I had a couple of things to sort out that kept me off the bike yesterday but thankfully today I got a few hours at least in on the Jack Taylor. I really needed to get the Jack Taylor out as being away last weekend meant this was the first time home to take it out to celebrate its birthday. This was on the 12th Feb and originally built on this day in 1982 according to the build records Ken Taylor kept and now shares with the JT group.
Today wasn't too far and there was of course the obligatory coffee stop. While I followed the coastal rode westward I took a few detours off road and found a couple of nicely secluded tracks that led to some nicely hidden spots in a couple of wooded areas. One of these was just along a usual stretch that I have used for years and knew of all the tracks on the old estate along the shore as I used to live just a couple of minutes away in the same village. Today though as I rode by I looked up and there were a couple of trees missing on one stretch of backroad, this stretch has a rise up from the road heavily wooded but behind the trees are the old walls of a long gone estate and it's grounds. Today though I could see part of a huge wall, another partly fallen and some really lovely shaped trees partially hidden up over the rise. The weather wasn't great up here today being dull and cloudy but that just gave it a bit of atmosphere. I decided I would climb up and have a look and maybe take the bike up if possible.
Was glad I did as it was a really beautiful secluded spot hidden away from everything, walled on all sides except the section now exposed due to the trees down. I have been through this estate on everything from Stumpjumpers to my Mercian and never seen this part and judging by the complete lack of any sort of rubbish, plastic wrappers, cans etc, then neither had anybody else been here for a while.
I took a good few photos as usual and sat and ate Jacks birthday Haribo before thinking I better hightail it home. Though while sitting quietly I had two Seka deer come to a stone door just a few metres away and just stood and stared until my phone camera clicked and then they were off along with the Buzzard that had been sitting on the other side of the yard watching me.
A good more direct cross country route seen me home before dark with a nice ride behind us and some new short local trails to explore.


IMG_0508 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0515 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0526 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0539 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0533 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

IMG_0569 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Jamiedyer":1utdm8d0 said:

What hill is that big one near the centre of the picture Jamie?

I'm hardly getting out on the bike at all this past month or two, very busy with work - I did take an hour off for a ride this morning though, feel like I even got the sun a bit it was so nice. (Then again my genes are thoroughly adapted for life at this latitude so that's maybe not saying a lot!)
I am not 100% but either Ben Loyal or more likely Ben Hope.
I am almost home here in Barrock and am looking west south west as you can see the sun going down.
They look closer in the photo than they seem as it is a really solid days ride to Ben Hope and Tongue.

Jamiedyer":3ioakyvd said:
I am not 100% but either Ben Loyal or more likely Ben Hope.
I am almost home here in Barrock and am looking west south west as you can see the sun going down.
They look closer in the photo than they seem as it is a really solid days ride to Ben Hope and Tongue.

Thanks, both are on my "to do" list, I think Ben Hope is the most likely candidate for the next one. By my standards they're both a long way from me though, the drive there and back puts me off...
ajm":1aridtx6 said:
Jamiedyer":1aridtx6 said:
I am not 100% but either Ben Loyal or more likely Ben Hope.
I am almost home here in Barrock and am looking west south west as you can see the sun going down.
They look closer in the photo than they seem as it is a really solid days ride to Ben Hope and Tongue.

Thanks, both are on my "to do" list, I think Ben Hope is the most likely candidate for the next one. By my standards they're both a long way from me though, the drive there and back puts me off...

Combine it with a MacRetro ride in Sutherland :D
Jamiedyer":2mamhxuy said:
I'll see if I can sort a decent route ;)


Make it an easy one and I might even attend. Driving I don't mind but cycling/walking both going to remain limited until autumn I suspect. :?
Jamiedyer":1gl6l057 said:
I'll see if I can sort a decent route ;)

Just make sure they shut down those bloody great fans they have all over the place - or at least point them at our backs... :)

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