Show us what you did today, thread

When the wind, rain and clouds go away it is nice. Though those other 350 days of the year are a right pain ;)
Only kidding, it can be a bit bleak a lot of the time but that's part of it's beauty I suppose. Certainly nice today :)

Back out today at lunch for a few hours.
It had rained overnight but was sunny and not too much in the way of clouds about and just a light breeze adding to the very cold air. Though for up here it pretty much counts as lovely.
The plan was reasonably simple, finish the jobs I needed to get done around the house and then about midday Heather was taking Caleb for his horse ride so after taking Spot the dog out I would go for a ride and maybe we would meet up at our friends later on.
I decided to take the Jack Taylor out and head the opposite direction to yesterday and head out Canisbay war memorial and pay my respects before going on past John O'Groats to Duncansby Head. Stop for a coffee and cake at Groats on the way back past, get home and then if enough light and the timing was right I would take the Big Dummy and head back out.
Started out well if cold, really nice, clear, crisp day with the roads still wet, though with the temp so low and no winds they weren't going to dry today at any rate. It was a really nice relaxed ride to the memorial situated on the quiet singletrack road above Canisbay. I stopped, payed my respects for a couple of minutes, sat for a while on the grass taking in the silence in contemplation, then headed off towards JoG's.
At this stage it was cold but clear and sunny and I got to the junction where I could turn down into Groats or head up the road to Duncansby and asked myself do I want coffee and cake before or after? I wanted it before but knew I might not make it to the climb if I stopped now. It was a really nice ride up and even though I am out here regularly for pleasure and work it always looks lovely. It's a steady grind up but the views are worth it. I was convinced that I am too old to be running Dura Ace 7400 race gearing and vowed it will return with a triple front and wide range rear :)

On the way back I pulled into one of the little cafe's only to find it closed and not wanting to head down to the JoG's waterfront area I just turned home. The clouds had started rolling in and it had dropped a few degrees so thought I would head back along the coast this time and turn back onto the inland road at Mey. Another long but steady climb up from Gills bay revealed to clouds closing from the south at a fair pace and so pushed on taking a couple of dirt short cuts onto the back road. By this stage the temp had dropped quite considerably and was sure it was only about 5 degree or so.
Got home and warmed up and decided against getting back out on the Dummy as Heather was on her way home and I wanted to get the dog out before it got dark. Lucky I did as it rained not long after.
So another good weathered ride out on the Jack Taylor. Really liking this machine and it's great handling, very surefooted but very relaxed to ride.
Hope the rest of the macretro clan managed to either get a ride in or at least had a good weekend.


View from home over to Hoy with Dunnett Head on the left
DSCN5493 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5500 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking across to the island of Stroma in the foreground and Orkney across the water in the background
DSCN5510 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Nice place to sit and be thankful. Lest We Forget
DSCN5515 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5518 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Across to Orkney
DSCN5519 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5523 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Out of Gills Bay looking back along the coast towards John O'Groats, clouds closing in
DSCN5527 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Top of the rise and looking south
DSCN5529 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Same road and same view as the second photo above.
DSCN5534 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Well after a rather rubbish month on the personal level it was good to be out riding with my riding buddy Brian.
Good to get back to normality with riding in the wet and cold ;)
Needed to put a few more longer miles in on the sidecar before doing any long rides with the dog or touring gear though with being off the bike for a few weeks I knew it was going to be interesting. We were going to head out to Altnabreac but the weather turned slightly this morning and while the rain stopped before we headed out towards 'Groats the roads remained very wet with some sections quite icy, so had to be careful.
Brian was on his Rudge rod braked roadster which was his closest match to weight and performance of the Big Dummy, he was right as anything else from his stable and I would have been struggling a lot more to keep up.
A stop at Groats for coffee and a scone to refuel for the ride home seen us hitting the road and making a bit more of an effort as we soon realised we had a fair way to go with not that much daylight, or the poor excuse for daylight, left.
We made it, just and Brian had his lights on the roadster, I had rear lights, reflectors etc on the Dummy but no front light, so we were fine in the end.
Hope everyone else in Macretro land has had a good weekend and also hope everyone has a lovely Christmas/Festive break.


DSCN5569 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5573 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5574 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5577 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5584 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5588 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5591 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5592 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
You can tell when Jamie's happy. He's on a bike, any bike. :)

He's a braver man than me. I have previous with sidecars... :)

There's no truth in the rumour that Jamie is going to start up in the removals business...

I'm offended Jamie compared his tank to my svelte lightweight more retro than retro roadster - it's well under 40lbs. :)

It goes well for a 70 year old bike.


Jamie, do you have the pivots/mounts for sidecar done up tight or with a bit of friction to allow some give?
Does having the sidecar help with stability in icy conditions or is it just the same, bum squeaky time?
Out for a quicky this morning before I have to go out and brave the last of the Christmas food shop.
Cold but amazing. Just the local loop, but first ride since the start of the month due to decorating four rooms in two and a half weeks, plus work.

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Christmas Eve by Steven Clubb, on Flickr

Hope everyone has a great festive period and Santa brings you something nice.
The weather looks really nice but crisp down your way. It was like that on Friday here but then as usual once the weekend came so did the rain. Really nice and inviting photos Clubby :)
OCP the sidecar I had set up with the pivots loosened as it makes it much easier , especially when it's unladen. It also helps getting in and out the front gate :)
I think in the ice you may stay upright for a few seconds longer though you may be doing 360's you go one way or the other. With the sidecar rigid you would probably survive quite well if you stayed on the road :)


Suppose being able to get out yer front gate with minimum hassle is a good idea. :mrgreen:
Wonder if you could adapt a suspension seat-post, like a U.S.E. one, fitted at an angle between the bike and sidecar to allow some control over the sidecar as it goes over bumps? On the other hand maybe there's no need really.

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