Show us what you did today, thread

I had made plans to go for a ride with Brian down his way for a ride out to Strathcarron (?) this weekend.
Unfortunately despite todays lovely weather, it wasn't today. We will have to see how tomorrow goes.
This didn't happen today due to the Mercian not being finished but more so as I was up through the night as Caleb has not been well.
I did have plans to head down around lunch after I had built the Mercian up. I wanted to get it finished as I really needed to get a couple of nice rides in on it before the winter so I could decide whether it stays and gets renovated or it goes. I also had to make sure the rear mech was realigned properly as I had to give Brian back his alignment tool he loaned me. (Thanks mate)
I do have other machines but Brian had his Andre Bertin ready to roll so it was decided to have a lugged steel road ride, I could have taken the Merckx but it seemed good timing to get it sorted. At least if Brian was on his recently acquired road bike, that I know he has been working on then at least I wouldn't feel guilty or lonely stopping to adjust and fettle.
Anyway the morning was spent putting bits and pieces on the frame while Caleb had his breakfast and played in the living room. I needed to go to town late morning to get a cassette as the Dura Ace rear mech has a max of 26 teeth and, of course, the lowest I had in 8 speed was 28. I said to Heather I was just heading to town and would drive rather than ride as I wanted to be quick as I might still try and get sorted for this ride. Anyway I was at the bike shop for a while longer than I anticipated and probably would have been quicker with the hour and a half round trip riding to the shop.
I should mention here that I am very lucky as I returned home to find Heather cooking lunch of Pancakes with Bacon smothered in Maple Syrup. Yes they are capitals as this is my favourite food of all time :)
Once home I then spent the afternoon outside fettling the bike on the stand doing the usual sorting of gears and adjusting the mech hanger slightly, not surprising considering how far out it was the first time.
Anyway it was a nice sunny and warm afternoon spent building up the bike and doing family stuff. Once the bike was sorted I headed out for a short test ride. I got about 20 metres when I realised that I hadn't tightened the brake levers. :oops: Brakes worked but the levers were twisting on the bars. Anyway that sorted and back out. I did a couple of miles and adjusted the seat post and moved the seat forward slightly, let a bit of pressure out the tyres but otherwise all was pretty good. So I kept going on a bigger loop.
The Mercian handled really nicely, very light and I had put on my old wheels from my Merckx, Ultegra and Open Pro and put on some Vittoria Randonnuer 32 tyres. This was a different feeling as it was still very sharp handling and with sure footedness but with a bit of 'give' from the larger size tyres. Very nice as the roads around here are just falling apart. I run 23mm on my Merckx and even those I have started dropping pressure, especially on the front.
I was well pleased and so went a bit further than intended and all was well. So for now it is definitely staying. I will give it a few more varied rides to make sure before it gets pulled down and put away until it gets painted. When it does get painted, the build will be different again as it will be a more light touring/audax setup befitting its King of Mercia title. Most likely a stronglight chainset, nitto randonnuer bars etc, the stuff on it today was from the spares boxes and while great stuff its a bit more racey than I need. Save that for the Merckx.
Anyway I hope you all had a nice day whatever you were up to.
Here's some pics.

DSC_1560 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1562 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Breakfast of Champions ;)
DSC_1565 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1573 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1576 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Lovely bike (colours are great), but I had to flick the pancake picture off the screen quickly before I vomited! Didn't get out on the bike at all today, busy digging trenches and running SWA cable into the house from my new office at the other end of the garden. I made a point of going a nice ride yesterday afternoon knowing I'd never have time today though... this kind of autumn weather is my absolute favourite for cycling, the warm sunshine but with fresh coolness in the air...
Cheers mate, at least you got out yesterday, nice forward thinking. Today was really nice up here and yes, you can tell its definitely autumn now.
Hopefully we will both get out tomorrow :)

So, I didn't make it down to Brians today, as was awake last night with Heather being unwell along with Caleb. She was a bit better this morning but had lost her voice and felt yuk, so thought it was best to be around home today.
Got a few things done around the place and we all spent most of the day out in the back garden, doing whatever, but doing it in the sun.
I did get out later in the day for a couple of hours ride, enjoying the sun, and more importantly, the lack of wind, and the Mercian of course.
It rode beautifully and handled the varied roads and hills I took it on. It felt quick and surefooted on the loose surface roads. It was nice riding on a few of the roads I don't normally ride along and then following the coast home.
The weekend didn't go to plan and despite the family not being too well, it was a very enjoyable weekend together just doing stuff around home. Heather and Caleb were much better this afternoon and I am sure it was through being outside most of the day.
Hope you all had a nice one as well and hopefully this weather will carry through to next weeks Inverness Audax.


DSCN2936 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2928 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2923 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
I was going to pull out the Andre Bertin so Jamie's Mercian had some classy company, but seeing as he couldn't make it, I took a bike without a derailleur instead. :)

Had a gentle amble around a few hills and back roads on the Pompino.

Track to King David's Fort. I took photos of the fort's remains but it is so covered with foliage it's hard to see.

Lots of nice back lanes here.

What's that blue stuff in the sky?

Anyone got a recipe for poached chestnuts?

Its not that old, 92 from memory.
I've owned it about 2 years. I picked it up quite cheap due to the bent rear hanger.

epicyclo":1t5mlvm5 said:
A sprightly young thing with nice lugs... :)

Are you referring to Jamie? Or the mercian? :LOL:

Nothing to see from me, been laid up all weekend with genuine "Man-Flu" :x
Surrounded by a pile of used tissues (from blowing my nose before you ask! :roll: ).
jimo746":sppiyw5e said:
epicyclo":sppiyw5e said:
A sprightly young thing with nice lugs... :)

Are you referring to Jamie? Or the mercian? :LOL:
Well compared to me, he is a sprightly young thing. Can't say I've ever admired his lugs though. :)

Must be the Mercian.