Show us what you did today, thread

Jamiedyer":3e3lwdmt said:
Col, that Epic is the nicest retro machine I have seen for a loooong while :)
I am partial to the Stumpjumper and while I cleared most out there is still a frame or two in the loft. Nothing as lovely as this baby though.

I think Specialized had a knack of turning out bikes that just looked right back then. After a bit of research it turns out this one appears to have belonged to Cindy Whitehead who road for the team in 88, hence the "girl's bike comments" :LOL: .

Build thread here for more info:


What I did today, well not retro, so Velo may not be happy but here it is, thought I would share :)

The weather was clear and sunny this morning with a breeze from the west. The forecast though said this would last until early afternoon and then the rain would return for the next day or so and the wind would keep increasing over the day. Not great news but then again it gave me a window for getting out before it got too bad.
I originally was going to head west for a couple of hours into the wind and then get a bit of a tailwind home. The rain on the western horizon put paid to that and I eventually headed south east initially. I got out just after lunch and did a zigzag type circular circuit through the county. Sticking to mostly single track backroads I headed south then towards Wick, then the coast road to John O'Groats where Heather and Caleb met me for a bowl of soup and a coffee. Then it was back south and up off the coast road to Canisbay and home.
The weather was great when I left home, a strong headwind but sunny, sticking with the sun towards Wick and then along the coast road I could see the weather closing in from the north west, squalls at first then steadier downpours. Would adjust pace and stops to try and avoid some of the smaller ones. Over the big rise before turning and dropping down to Groats you could see the rain falling, not just on the coast but right the way over the water to Orkney and Hoy. Definitely patchy with sun but more of it and closer together, time to get wet as it was looking pretty unavoidable.
Late lunch of lentil soup and fresh baked bread with a bucket of coffee prepared me for the run home. I could have taken the coast road, its 50/50 whether it would be quicker but the top road is a bit nicer and far quieter.
I stopped as usual to take a couple of pictures along the way and at one of these stops I noticed a tandem coming up the hill through Canisbay. It was flying up the hill and they had left a good few minutes behind me as I parked next to them at the café and they weren't leaving when I was. They came past and it was then I noticed they had electric assist on this smart tandem, no wonder they came up the hill so fast. Further along the road they were stopped so I stopped and chatted with them for a few minutes. The assist only works when pedalling but it will help up the hills and once you get to 15 miles an hour it cuts out and recharges itself. So good up hills and good for getting up to speed as I found out when we set off. I let them go ahead, politeness of course , :LOL: and they pulled away and got to a certain speed then stayed that distance all the way until I turned off. Very different, not sure whether it was cool or not, but they were an older couple and they said they had been everywhere on tandems over the years and now they are older it helps considerably. They were travelling the route of the Highland 500, but in a motorhome and then riding section by section.
It was just after this stop that the rain started, not surprised as I couldn't see a lot of the coast due to the rain falling, about a mile from home, the sleety ice started falling and it was now not only wet but cold as well. This was all the motivation I needed to put a bit more effort in and get home.
A few seasons in one day but it was a good few hours out and a nice ride, making sure the Trucker was ready for a few longer trips over the next two months and while I didn't have all my gear on it, it ran great as usual. This bike does all the grunt work, pulls the trailer, the little man in his seat, touring, commuting etc and it really only ever needs fine tuning or tweeking here and there.
Anyway, a long story about a short ride and while all my local rides look the same as the landscape doesn't change up here, its the weather that makes it different. Here's some pics in order so you can see the weather turning as the ride went on.


Squally rain, nothing to worry about as it will pass before I get there
DSCN2390 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking south/west and the clouds are building
DSCN2392 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking east towards Wick lighthouse, no clouds, just don't look behind.
DSCN2406 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking south east back towards Wick over the water
DSCN2408 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

South and the clouds and rain
DSCN2414 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2423 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Rounding the bend with Groats and Orkney below, time to turn into the rain and lose my tail wind :(
DSCN2426 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking across to Hoy with Stroma just down on the right of the pic. The Aussie in the VW is following the Moto GP around Europe this year after being in Qatar. I speak to anyone :)
DSCN2428 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Nearly home and there's Hoy through the rain
DSCN2435 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Close to home now as there's Dunnett Head through the rain and sleet.
DSCN2436 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Nearly there and if you look closely you can see the yellow jackets of the tandem riders just ahead. Nice people :)
DSCN2437 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
firedfromthecircus":6qccsbek said:
Aye, not bad for a girls bike Col. :LOL:

Got the monkey finished and took it out for a wee ride. The bike performed faultlessly. Shame I can't say the same for myself. I think it will be a while before I am back to full strength. :( Still, it's a good excuse to keep trying. ;)

And for the first ride the tarmac count was suitably low Brian.

I think you need grey rims to complete the job... :)

It's beautiful.

And don't worry about a bit of chain slack - you've got proper singlespeed cogs on. A wee bit of slack gives your wheel bearings and BB an easier life.
Cheers Brian. I think the grey tyres might be a bit much, but they were here so I'm giving them a run. Seemed pretty cushy yesterday so I will see how we go before deciding whether to invest in some 2.35"s, either Big Apples or Big Ones. The whole bike was built from the parts bin essentially. The only things I bought specially were the stem, black cloth tape and some middleburn cable oilers so I could join lengths of outer.

Nice pics Jamie. Very atmospheric skies. As for the E-assist tandem, I'm all in favour of that kind of thing, especially if it gets folk out who might otherwise struggle or not bother. Long term cycling credentials or no. I might not be far off needing one myself! Would it still be cool to ride an E-assist singlespeed? :?: :LOL:
E-assist singlespeed is what I need :)
Might be a plan for SSUK this year, but I might get caught and banned and no longer allowed to drink with the singlespeed guys :)
Singlespeed rules would allow for it, but it would have to be in reverse or something :LOL:

I personally don't have a problem with it and certainly didn't mean to come across that way, as long as its used as you say to get people out that otherwise wouldn't get out. This couple were 'older', maybe retired, and they were quite fit but as they were saying it just makes some of those hills that are getting much harder now they are older that bit easier and more manageable when out for a few days, especially down the west coast. They are going over to Applecross and I am sure anyone would appreciate a bit of help there. The one they had was not on all the time, he turned it on and off with a button on a control on the handlebar. Good on them and I certainly would use one if I thought it would get Heather out riding more often.
Opposite to this, last weekend at Forth Fat I was running behind after rebuilding the hub on Saturday morning and there is a bit of singletrack through the trees at one point when I was trying to catch up. Coming toward me out of a bend were two mtb's, full suss, riders dressed in all the gear, full face, baggies, elbow and knee gaurds etc. They were a good bit ahead through the trees and it was dead flat throughout the area, anyway all I see is this guy come round this bend flat out, drifting the rear end, straighten up and power wheelie along the trail, I thought 'jez, these guys are shifting' only to have the whizz past and clearly have electric motors buzzing away. At no time were they a problem and both returned my hello's. Now these guys made me laugh as it did seem just a very short leap from this to a motorcrosser, it was just slow motion, but far quicker than anyone would normally pedal through there. But again, maybe I should be thinking each to their own, it might be what gets them out and about.

Not really a ride as such but a scouting trip on my anniversary weekend for my tour in a fortnight. I know, what an old romantic I am :) I have a week off and am hitting the road. Hadn't quite made my mind up but after the weekend when Heather and I went over to Durness and then stayed at the Riconach hotel I thought yes, this will do me. I was going to do a weekend run this weekend there and back as its not far from home but I thought I would either start or finish my week off round this way. I need to be in Glasgow at some point so it will be there and back maybe. I really like riding this stretch of the north and west coast but will do it at a more leisurely pace down through to Ardnamurchin etc
Anyway here's a couple of pics to show you why I love riding around here. Even though I wasn't riding this time, but it inspired me to. :0

I know I post a few pics from here but I like the view, always different, just depends on the weather.
DSC_1204 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1205 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1206 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1207 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Looking back to our hotel from the Kinlochbervie road
DSC_1224 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

That track would make a great Macretro ride ;)
DSC_1238 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1254 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1280 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSC_1285 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Jamiedyer":bea2w6nm said:
E-assist singlespeed is what I need :)
Might be a plan for SSUK this year, but I might get caught and banned and no longer allowed to drink with the singlespeed guys :) ...

But you'll get to drink with the peleton pros... :)