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Looking great Klaus :D
That Rooster looks the business and looks right at home in the snow.
I know what you mean about not too much different to the full fat. My 1X1 with those Dirt Wizards which are smaller than you are running there are only slightly less 'float' than the Nates and I find that what I may lose with that I make up for in other areas due to the 1X1 being lighter and more spritely.
My Pugs is still not back together after painting due to a few hold ups as decided to change parts and there was a delay over Christmas getting the BB chased out properly, so am struggling to get it sorted as waiting on some parts. Problem is I am in a Fat team so don't think the 1X1 would be welcomed.
Rooster should rip round that course though.
Regardless of what I am on I will see you next weekend.

For me I have been a bit quiet the last couple of weeks really so decided today to get out and get the legs turning.
Yesterday was the first nice day for a long while and after all the wild weather there was a lot of small things needed repairing around the house ready for the next onslaught. Today was very similar, clear skies, no snow today but very cold. It never got above minus 1 and when out riding, once the sun thought about starting to dip it hit a few degrees lower.
It was just a few hours out after lunch and I thought the roads would be OK on the whole. They were but there was still a lot of places where there were big icy sections. As most of the roads are single track off the one main road, I could see these had a frosty covering and I took it easy. This was in no way hard to do as when I left I had forgotten my sealskin cap under my helmet and any decent speed made my ears and head freeze very quickly. :LOL:
It was a pretty quiet uneventful ride, nice and wintery with barely a car seen. I stopped a couple of time and took some pics and also indulged in some shortbread I took for sustenance.
I headed back from one of the lochs when the sun started to lose a bit of light as I knew I wouldn't have much left. There was a section near an old mill that I swung around the bend and knew it might be icy as it doesn't get much sun or light and realised by the frozen water on the edge of the road that there was likely to be a bit of ice but when I rounded the end of the mill there was a whole section of road looking like it was covered in about an inch or so of slush ice and water. It may have been yesterday but it was completely frozen now :LOL: I was grateful it didn't go up the short, steep rise immediately after it as I was spinning on the flat.
Calm sea, only a slight breeze and very crisp conditions made for a nice ride. I was wrapped up well, I had my nice new Christmas present Keela trousers on along with a long sleeve merino and a short sleeve merino so besides the head and the inevitable toes it was very comfortable. My toes only felt frozen once I stopped and went in the house :?
Anyway nothing much, but just thought I'd share.
Hope everyone else had a good day and maybe got some wheels turning.


DSCN2200 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2202 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2203 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2205 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2209 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Suns going
DSCN2212 (2) by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2213 (2) by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Rooster looks great Kaiser, and great pictures as always Jamie. Good luck to both at the Puffer! is there anyone else from MacRetro participating/assiting?

Manged to get out in the snow this weekend myself, but on foot... Remarkably there was a few tyre marks in the snow at the lower levels

WP_20160117_006 by gmac123, on Flickr
Seems like everyone has snow except us. Just been cold and frosty here.
How you finding the Chronicles, Klaus? Agree about the plus size tyres, proper full fats only come into their own in really soft stuff. Been amazed by the 3" Dirt Wizard on the front of the Jones, just wish I could fit one on the back. Still need full fat for the beach but it needs a good 2-3 inches of fresh snow before their advantage starts to show.

Wheres that G?

clubby, very happy with the Chronicles, I can't say I need much more grip, though I have considered getting a DW for the front. And maybe a Fat B Nimble or a pair for summer. But as an all rounder I'm happy with them.
K - You running the Chronicles with tubes?

Was out yesterday on the Rooster too, mixed snow and mud. The DWs really do perform well when it comes to grip on the sketchy stuff, but (as I've moaned about before) it's a shame about the thin sidewalls. Also reminded myself how sensitive they are to pressure - 20psi is way too much.

Chronicles are set up tubeless, went up easy and haven't had a problem yet. Only got 300km on them though. Are you running 120tpi DWs? I think the 60's are meant to hit the sweet spot.
that was on meall chuaich, east of dalwhinnie. alot of landy tracks in the area due to some hydro activity, going to be exploring the OS for bikepacking opportunities. stayed in a great hostel in Newtonmore over the weekend with intent of knocking off the mondalaith hills, however our saturday was torture trudging in fresh deep powder so we had to bail after 1 munro and decided to head east of the A9 where on the sunday where the snow was older and frozen.
Aye, running the 120tpi DWs. Interesting re: the 60s, wasn't aware of that... Right now I'm probably leaning towards trying the Chronicles come the better weather.

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