Show us what you did today, thread


gotta keep the energy levels topped up Clubby :D

Today I made myself go deaf for a few minutes...

I swapped some tyres around and whilst pumping one up noticed something was wrong on the "other" side of the tyre, I leant over the wheel and had a closer look, the bead wasn't seated properly and the inner tube was ballooning out between rim and tyre.
In the couple of seconds it took me to think "hmm... that's not right!" there was an almighty "BANG!!" as the tube exploded :shock:

It popped just as I was leaning over the wheel, having a good close look at the problem, I doubt I could have got my face much closer if I'd tried :LOL:

Once the ringing in my ears had subsided I fitted a new tube, and made sure the tyre was properly seated this time! :D
Last week I spotted some tyres for sale in the Planet X sale. They were Continental Hypers but in 40mm. After riding around on 25's on the Merckx on these rough roads I thought they sounded pretty good. Being reduced from £40 to £7.00 is what made me look at them. I thought they would make a nice comfortable cruising around the countryside tyre. I knew there was never any chance they would fit the diminutive and slender stays of the Merckx, and my Trucker is 26''. So I thought I must have something they would fit, I've started builds on lesser things ;) Last night I dug around in the loft and while looking for something in the Dura Ace spares box I thought I would have an experimantal quick build of a frame thats been hanging for a while. I have no cash for a build so I dug out a mix of 7400/2/3 Dura Ace and 3TTT stem and bars, my old Edison built open Pros on Ultegra and had a play. Would need a seat and post only. Just playing though as I have no room or real need. As I said just playing around.


Will post this in the Bonar Bridge to Ledmore Junction ride thread as well.
Brian and I did a Recce ride to check the roads etc for this Macretro road ride in a fortnight.
Will do a write up in the other thread but just thought I would share some pics as it was a great day. Brian was on his 29'er singlespeed and I was on my Long Haul Trucker and both machines handled it fine so ride what you want to. Its just on 100klm and there is a bit of climbing but it's generally pretty gradual stuff. Singletrack road and not much traffic at all. Road is much the same as it was last year with no real change to condition.
Heres a few pics to tempt those that are undecided or never gave it much thought.


Bonar Bridge

Ledmore Junction

Nice scenery


Pity they did away with the phone box at Ledmore (you can just see the remaining concrete plinth in one of the pics there)... it was about the only decent shelter from torrential rain for miles around!

You got a good day for it yesterday, wish I could have joined you (I did manage to sneak in 20 miles just before tea time but that's the first ride in ages...)
We did have a very stiff headwind for a lot of it and a late start meant a late finish, but well worth it.
We had our usual cruisy ride :)

Jamiedyer":3s0tinn3 said:
We did have a very stiff headwind for a lot of it...

36km/h according to the forecast, but gusting higher. When you're not in a hurry it doesn't matter.

And then it changed direction for part of the way back so we still got it.

Put a Kona branded Avocet Racing 1 saddle on the '92 Explosif. £6.99 off ebay. Bit dry at the corners but no damage and with a bit of snow-seal beeswax came up great. Similar patina (i.e. slightly scruffy) to the rest of the bike. Well chuffed.


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nice find that :)

sorted the old klein for a planned bike packing trip to Rum this weekend, trued the rear wheel, changed the saddle, adjusted the brakes, lubed the drive chain.. fitted the bags.... checked the weather--- torrential rain and 40mph wind ffs, ma one fecking chance at some freedom :facepalm: