Show us what you did today, thread

Ach, for heavens sake im only joshing .
epicyclo":2e135087 said:
Besides, doesn't Dyna use gears? So what would he know... :)
He knows he's going to have knees in the future ;)

Nice job mike. Good to see a bit of love of the bike.

velomaniac":2e135087 said:
With comments such as Dyna's is it a wonder I get grumpy :roll:
I doubt thats the reason mate.


It's all just a bit of fun really, isn't it?
Well it is for me at least

dyna-ti":3o3045kl said:
velomaniac":3o3045kl said:
With comments such as Dyna's is it a wonder I get grumpy :roll:
I doubt thats the reason mate.

I don't. There's a fine line between gentle ribbing and pushing it too far. Many of us are guilty of pushing the line at times but most of us realise when it's gone too far, even if it's only after we have. You seem to lack that insight. Try and be a bit more thoughtful, or maybe look for a woodworking equivalent of this site. Seems like most of your posts are about that these days anyway.
clubby":2yb2owep said:
dyna-ti":2yb2owep said:
velomaniac":2yb2owep said:
With comments such as Dyna's is it a wonder I get grumpy :roll:
I doubt thats the reason mate.

I don't. There's a fine line between gentle ribbing and pushing it too far. Many of us are guilty of pushing the line at times but most of us realise when it's gone too far, even if it's only after we have. You seem to lack that insight. Try and be a bit more thoughtful, or maybe look for a woodworking equivalent of this site. Seems like most of your posts are about that these days anyway.

Well maybe he hasn't found that unicorn barn find nos hand tool yet.
Retro hand tool, obviously
clubby":29ze6qkv said:
dyna-ti":29ze6qkv said:
velomaniac":29ze6qkv said:
With comments such as Dyna's is it a wonder I get grumpy :roll:
I doubt thats the reason mate.

I don't. There's a fine line between gentle ribbing and pushing it too far. Many of us are guilty of pushing the line at times but most of us realise when it's gone too far, even if it's only after we have. You seem to lack that insight.

Answer A: Aspergers could well play a part in that ,but point taken.
But i am in no way responsible for the general behaviors of others.
Fact is i'd avoided replying to many threads, with V in mind . So prior to a 'grumpy' thread i wasnt even in the scene. Apparently it was about a job.
Had there not been this history, i might have added a ;) to the end of it, but to be singled out and blamed for the behaviour of another is beyond contempt

chubby":29ze6qkv said:
or maybe look for a woodworking equivalent of this site. Seems like most of your posts are about that these days anyway.
I find that quite outrageous.
Yes, i have a big interest in wood working as i am a cabinet maker and a qualified furniture designer. and having aspergers can be very single tracked. Although i have been 'off' that trade for the past 3 or 4 years and its only in the last year ive tried to get back into it. By no means are "most of your posts" about the subject. I look back at the last 60 threads spread throughout much of the forum, can only find a couple of references. I might now go find thread/reply No1324 and see if theres any woody references from way back then.
Perhaps you'd care to look through my emails at the current 3 people im talking through their builds and brakes fitting/rebuilding or the people i keep sending freebies to, to help them out and maybe prevent from becoming disillusioned with the capitalism system that seems to pervade everything eventually.

Perhaps even if you left the confines of Macretro, you'd see that there is more to this forum than cycling.

Mike Muz 67":29ze6qkv said:
Well maybe he hasn't found that unicorn barn find nos hand tool yet.
Retro hand tool, obviously

Eh ? :shock:
dyna-ti":1q8vn5fn said:
Perhaps even if you left the confines of Macretro, you'd see that there is more to this forum than cycling.

Retrobike, the clue's in the title.

Just because you put a ;) after something it doesn't mean that it won't cause offence.
Also, nice work changing my name in your quote. Not bad for you.
clubby":1acri819 said:
dyna-ti":1acri819 said:
Perhaps even if you left the confines of Macretro, you'd see that there is more to this forum than cycling.

Retrobike, the clue's in the title.

Just because you put a ;) after something it doesn't mean that it won't cause offence.
Also, nice work changing my name in your quote. Not bad for you.

Actually that was pure mistake. I was copying and pasting the quoted to get them in the one spot and i did have to type one out. COMPLETE COINCIDENCE although i do confess i have read 'Chubby' more than once in error so although im aware its Clubby as in the roadie club i suspect is the reference you were making when you chose the username but probably through that that ive typed an H instead of an L
Having never met ive no idea of your appearance and as such chubby as an intended insult would at least backfire in confusion,especially if youre as skinny as a rake.

who is that tap tap tapping":1acri819 said:
Not bad for you.

Oh Pleeeessse :LOL: :LOL:

Jesus I'm offline for a few days and I come back to this :(
What the hell is going on?
This thread has gone 367 pages without this type of bickering and if we're not careful this will be the third thread locked on macretro in the last couple of months. Before that I dont think we have ever had one locked due to bitching, not that I can recall anyway. so whether its cabin fever or something else it to blame, just get over any bitchin and we can all keep macretro chugging along. I for one have noticed a few threads dye off due to a bit of bitching and then others, I assume like myself, then dont want to get involved in the thread due to it. If this happens enough then macretro dies.
We are all mates and part of the macretro clan so lets just think about what we've written and how it might be construed before we click the submit button.
Besides the normal piss taking, think whether you would say the same to someones face while out on a macretro ride.
We are all macretro clan.

Good point. We are all can'ts sometimes. Get over it, move on.

Personally I love hearing about any craft anyone does, so Dyna's wood fetish is a major plus.

I actually love Velo's winging too, it comes over to someone who doesn't know him as quite self effacing and rather endearing!
