Show us what you did today, thread


Ok it was yesterday but....headed down to the Lakes to ride a 4 passes circuit, super tough bike a hike. I now really don't like bike a hike :twisted: .



Just saw the Strava data - that's a lot of climbing in only a few miles. Tell me the downs were worth it? Cracking pics (as usual).

The downs were super techy and loose, I'd say if I had any less bike and it would have been horrible. As it was there was a high cost with all the climbing for the descents but a load of other factors made it into a good day (I'm saying this now, at the time I was hating big style). Great scenery, great weather, good banter but horrible climbing and ass twitchin descents.
Looks like summer in the Algarve kind of weather Klaus. You don't get that in the lakes too often! :LOL: Just imagine how much fun the hike-a-bikes would have been in the pishin rain.

I'm just back from a trip down your way this morning to pick up something new. Weather was nice down there too. Will fire some pics up later. ;)
Looks amazing Klaus. Never done any riding down there bar an event at Whinlater a few years back.
OK. Ready now Rob. :LOL:

Just picked this little beauty up.
My first foray into the retro road side.




My last drop bar road bike was a Raleigh Winner made from 18-23 gas pipes which I got new sometime in the '80's. Think this might be a wee step up in quality. ;)
