Show us what you did today, thread

I have taken the few days between Christmas and New Year off. My inlaws came up after Christmas and on Monday they took Caleb into Thurso to ride his scooter round the park, feed the ducks, get shopping etc. I said I was going for a ride and would most likely meet up in town for some lunch. It was a great looking day, though cold for sure, about 3 degrees when I set out. Its been cold and icy for days with our road onlty being gritted once a week. I did a loop round the back roads as it was so bright and clear but unfortunately some of the roads were still quite icy so on the way home which was half done in the semi dark with lights was on the main road. Not a long ride just a casual 20 odd miles round trip to keep the legs turning.
The Long Haul trucker was its usual solid ride and the marathons worked well considering the ice they were sometimes on. There were a few sections where I unclipped and had my foot on the flat side of the pedal to be sure. Crazy weather for this time of the year, as town is directly west from home I had the sun in my eyes for some of uit and it was hard to see whether the water on the road was actually water or ice.
Hopefully post later with some pics from todays ride on the Pugsley as am heading out for a couple of hours into the evening.

Icy Road Trucker

Thurso river, Hoy across the water

Farmers wife has been busy again!

Untitled by steven.clubb, on Flickr

Squeezed in a wee 20 miler this morning before this storm hits. Wind building steadily but another nice sunny morning. Starting to worry about myself though as I'm really liking these full mudguards. :facepalm:
Pretty happy with fitness after the 3 1/2 months off, but had one long drag uphill into the wind and started to feel like TK looked on Sunday. Going to have to start hill training as it's the one place I can tell I've lost power :cry: Five months until 10utb and I really want to manage 4 laps this time, never done more than 3.
I love Salsa lip-locks.


Picked up a couple of these while in the States last week (couldn't find an Orange 30.0mm anywhere here).
yeah, it started last year. options over 30, 50 & 100 miles.

tbh i was a bit of detractor last year when it was announced, concerns over the quality of the route and usual high cost of riding such a sportive in the uk compared to other countries etc... there was much debate in the road section at the time... however the post ride write up and pictures made the quality of the event look great. so when one of mates (who rode in Italy with me on 2012) contacted yesterday to say he was in I didn't hesitate. really looking forward to it now.

there's an aftermath thread somewhere in the site, can't find it quickly, tho I have found a deja vu 2015 thread lol