Show us what you did today, thread

Havin said that, Ive got new CH being put in the flat on Monday so Ive to clear stuff out
the way for the guys to fit it. Well blow me some basa has been buying shit loads of XTR
and XT stuff while Ive been at work and I mean shit loads its every where :shock:
What older- (read) m737/8/9 group stuff doth thou haveth :D

Alex. Ive a couple of axles in the box. quite like the 2 piece bulb axle but fatter, thought they might be for the big un but the one i have it wont fit on due to the bearing inner diameter being smaller. There doesnt actually look like theres room for both.
Ill send you a pic.

Sorry, but the purple are for my near complete purple set.
But i do have the same in Red :D with pro2 wheels/DT swiss and red floating rotors package. All in fantastic condition :)
dyna-ti":3crsp6wa said:
What older- (read) m737/8/9 group stuff doth thou haveth :D

One doth indeed, one would go as far to say ................................ "ave goat wheans" :LOL:
737/8/9 braw, NOS, BNOS.
950, 952, OK to braw.
I also got out early for a ride but had planned my route to have the forecasted tailwind home. ;)
Trying to get some miles in to prepare for the spring epic. Think I've got my work cut out! :oops:

RobMac":3adbh8s7 said:
Havin said that, Ive got new CH being put in the flat on Monday so Ive to clear stuff out
the way for the guys to fit it. Well blow me some basa has been buying shit loads of XTR
and XT stuff while Ive been at work and I mean shit loads its every where :shock:

Guys I don't want you worrying about me I may be off-line for a day or so due to the work being done in the flat. BTW no talkin aboot me behind ma back while am aff line right :evil: