Shogun Prairie Breaker - anyone have one?


Senior Retro Guru
When I first got my hands on a copy of an MBUK mag in late 1990 as a teenager, I read that first copy for weeks until I could afford another. Back in those years there were a few ads in the magazines that caught my attention & still remain with me in my hazy memories. Shogun advertised quite heavily on the inside back cover iirc the Prairie Breaker pro, for something so prominently advertised on a full page in premium mag space, I've never seen one of these in the metal nor ever really heard of them spoken about in these parts.
Any memories or pics ? Anyone admit to owning one?
If its the ad I'm thinking of then it was the first bike I saw a picture of with SPD pedals I think it was. Funny enough I was only thinking about it the other day and it would be cool to find one. Lower end Shoguns do pop up from time to time. There was a black and blue one the other day on marketplace. I can't remember the model name now but I can remember selling that particular model, it wasn't that great really. Sadly the shop I worked in never sold the high end models.
just a try, not sure if this is the PB ad you're remembering

but I found this one from July-Aug 90
Shogun PB AD JULY_AUG 1990.webp
this from Jan-Feb 91
Shogun PB-Team AD JAN FEB 1991.webp
and this one from April 91
Shogun PB Expert AD April 1991.webp
/\ Thank you for the adverts. The earliest (top one) I've not seen before, but the other 2 are the ones I remember - esp now they've jogged my memory. For a bike quite heavily advertised, they didn't seem to sell in very big numbers on UK soil.
My 3rd bike was a 1991 Prairie Breaker Pro. It came with full DX groupset and was all finished off with Tioga. I remember it rode really well but it got stolen after just 6 months. I have a Prairie Breaker Team Issue frameset hung up in my spare room 1990. It’s very patina’d and considering it was built from Tange Prestige quite heavy. Pic below stolen off the internet IMG_2930.jpeg
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