Not sure if I'm posting on the right part of the forum and do apologise if I'm not...I'm looking to buy a bike or just a frame (yes retro!) and am wondering if anyone has any tips on avoiding big customs bills etc.?
I'll second that! The first bike I bought from the US was Jez's Hot. Been excited, eager and niave I was delighted when I got a great price thanks to the exchange rate. I wasn't so pleased to pay £200 postage and £100 customs. The former because I didn't ask the guy to shop around and he was fairly new to it also and the latter because he put the full new value.
ha ha ha ... Bastard customs !! They dont give a poo nowadays even if the item is sent as a gift !! Had the same thing with my first Adroit from Wyoming, States !! Paid £1500 on Ebay, came over as a gift and I still had to pay the UPS guy £260 at the door or no release !!! All above board!
If at all possible get the seller to post it using US postal service air mail or Global priorty and not a courier, USPS comes in through the Royal mail and most of the time misses the duty, ideal for parts, but not always frames.
Also as the other guys have said, ask for them to state a reduced value and for what its worth "tick the gift box"