Shimano HG-71 chain - quick link removal


Senior Retro Guru
Does anyone know how to remove a Shimano chain (with quick link) without butchering it with a pair of pliers?

I have a HG-71 chain, which I want to remove and fit to another of my bikes. The problem is - how to remove the quick link?

I can't find any Shimano guide on this. All I can find on YouTube is a video showing removal with pliers. I tried this and it didn't work, it also seemed a bit medieval!

Anyone got any advice? Should I ignore the quick link and detach the chain using a regular chain splitter on one of the other links?

There’s a few of those links in the stable and they are fiddly.

I take the thin pointy end of a zip tie and wedge it under the edge of the non-pin link to provide outward pressure. Then grasp the chain with both hands like I’m breaking a pencil in order to get the pins to flex toward one another. One free thumbnail nudges the link off. It’s not a pleasant task, but I haven't become frustrated enough yet to buy Quick-Links.
I agree with Eric horrible!
I bought the park tool in the end
try and old gear or brake cable - method 2 at 1.52 on below. wasn't very easy but has done the trick,

or total distruction hacksaw the thing off and replace 😂
Have used an angle grinder with thin disc before
just make sure you use a hook to hold the chain together
an old spoke bent will do, or when it goes it'll flap and fly off

Cable tie would also work to hold the chain together
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Thanks for the replies. On further investigation, Shimano say these links are not reusable.
I have the Park chain splitter and chain pliers (for a regular style quick link) but they don’t work on this Shimano design.
I think I’ll take @eric_james advice and bin it!
