Shed Security - Bast**ds almsot got away with it

a colleague has just suggested black smoke cartridges used for game keepers. set ip a simple trip wire, loud bang, lots of smoke. they wont be able to see anything
Flaming right!

Im one for offensive measures, not sure if you can buy them in the UK but I would go for a flame throwing car alarm adapted to a shed door. lets see someone cut through a chain while burning in flames. Might be bad for the shed though!
Nice big chain that, anything over 16mm is good, anything less than 16mm is a 20 second bolt cropper job.

i do think we should be able to protect our property a little better, i'd have no qualms at all about beating the shit out of someone, bundling them in the boot of my car, dragging them into the middle of the peak district, stripping them, cuffing them, and shoeing the **** out of them.

Then coming home to clean out my car to ensure there was no forensics.
I am not a very physical chap, hate confrontation. So I would need to incapacitate them before kicking the crap out of them. Only way to win is to get your retaliation in first, assuming they are very scary so that you can do whatever you want.

Your Honour, he had a crowbar and I feared he was going to hit me with it. The only thing I had to hand was my chainsaw...
Its all been said but the only thing I'd keep in the shed is grimey old Gardening 'stuff' generally stuiff thats not worth selling or the effort nicking. these ground anchors are an idea but i'd have to NEED to have them in the shed before i did i that.

Garages are compromises to but we have our cars in em and stuff. :?

Bikes in the house for the ultimate win where poss

And defo report to polici, otherwise you are helping the crims by ignoring their antics and massaging further the govenments massaged crime figures.


and glad they are still in ya posession
we are allowed to protect ourselves and our property with "reasonable force". my solicitor friend tells me that in laymans terms if they have a blunt instrument, you can hit them with a blunt instrument.

it is amazing how brave (stupid) you can be when your stuff is under attack. i used to live with a gypsy camp at the end of the road. middle of the night and the golf alarm is going off. i'm out the door in the middle of the street in my boxers in about 3 seconds flat. thats not a pretty sight. luckily it was a false alarm. i'd have probably taken a pasting
I hate to admit it but youre right, completely. I did some sea survival training a while back in regards to pirates, yes they are real. The moral of the day was back down. The theory is the criminal has made a decision to do what it takes to fulfill their desire and suffer the conseqeunces. But when you are caught unaware and youre in your boxers with a hammer in hand, are you really gonna use it, or is the 19 year old spotty sh*t head looking at you gonna go for you first without a thought in their little stupid mind. Or are you, wife and kids in tow, having a good life. Prevention is better than confrontation.
glad they never got away with anything! makes me glad i live in the country...although i guess that doesnt even count for much nowadays :roll:

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