Seeing red .... a moment of good citizenship? PT II


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Following on from my earlier rant etc >>

I had another encounter with an Audi driver on his phone :evil: :evil:

Was driving from Cambridge towards Huntingdon the other day on the A14 as a passenger in the front seat.

This stretch of road gets really busy at all times of day and is a common place for many accidents.

We were crawling in the second (of two) lanes at about 25mph in tightly packed traffic.

I clock a chap talking on his phone whilst trying to operate a PDA :shock: :twisted: :twisted:

As we drive passed I wind down the window and call out that he was a naughty man and he should cease* (*may not have been my actual words).

He waved off my gesture and carried on as we passed.

A few moments later the traffic bunches and I try again.


Starting to get annoyed.

Our lane slows to a crawl and he catches us up.

Down comes window to be met with a barrage of abuse :roll: I politely say that he should not be using a mobile without hands free kit etc especially whilst using his PDA :roll: :x

He states that he was stationary (he was not).

I state that the law applies to a car with its engine running.

He genuinely looked shocked.

To my amazement he apologised sincerely and put his devices away.

:shock: :shock: :shock:


I know that by me talking to him/getting his attention could have been dangerous in itself but I got caught up in the moment!

I am getting to be a real grumpy bastard.

:D :D
A while back I started sounding my car horn everytime I saw another driver using a phone whilst driving. If everyone did it, apart from the initial constant noise polution, most offenders would be forced to stop doing it. Toot A Twat.
Protect your no claims.

Get in front of them and use handbrake to force a wee accident, insurance will be in your favour.

Don't do this more than once every few years.

highlandsflyer":uo2mod04 said:
Protect your no claims.

Get in front of them and use handbrake to force a wee accident, insurance will be in your favour.

Don't do this more than once every few years.


I was thinking that too, the Police check phone records, dont know if its routine but obviously nobody should deliberately cause an accident!
I took a phone off someone last year, their driving was terrible.

I told the person on the other end the driver would call back and then threw the phone in the bushes.

No idea what happened after that, I left.
highlandsflyer":3p0qncfa said:
Protect your no claims.

Get in front of them and use handbrake to force a wee accident, insurance will be in your favour.

Don't do this more than once every few years.


:!: Some insurace companies ask if you have been in any accident in the last five years evan if its not your fault and will increse your preminum as your more accident prone.
REKIBorter":46bbufse said:
A while back I started sounding my car horn everytime I saw another driver using a phone whilst driving. If everyone did it, apart from the initial constant noise polution, most offenders would be forced to stop doing it. Toot A tw*t.

thats a very good idea
maybe you should run for president?
then we can get this implemented
(although isnt it the law that says your only allowed to use your horn in an emergency? not to tell gary that your outside waiting for him :LOL: )
but i reckon that would constitute an emergency :cool:
dont think you could call it toot a tw*t though!
highlandsflyer":3j8dlxcc said:
Good on you.

He could have killed someone.

Yeah. He could have killed you.

Don't argue with a nutter, particularly when they're operating a vehicle that weighs a ton.
cyfa2809":39qj9jh3 said:
(although isnt it the law that says your only allowed to use your horn in an emergency? not to tell gary that your outside waiting for him :LOL: )
but i reckon that would constitute an emergency

It is definitely an emergency. Could be impending death for someone

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