Security camera help

It looks like the most logical way to go is to buy a EE WiFi thingy which comes with 120gb /12 months of data loaded. And then simply add a IP camera
That’s an interesting idea. So no WiFi or data needed?
Garmin mini, £45 s/h, install free app on phone to review or save video off the cameras own sim card.

I've got one in the car, micro usb power cable and the app is all you need. Works by Bluetooth.
As far as I can tell, it records continuously.
Whenever I've been looking to review a 'driving event' the last 48hr seems to be all there.
It looks like the most logical way to go is to buy a EE WiFi thingy which comes with 120gb /12 months of data loaded. And then simply add a IP camera
A camera might need a bit more data than that if it's recording 24/7, but you can probably find something🧐
Looks like the ee payg wifi is around a hundred quid
It’ll only be recording 6 hours a day for 5 days a week.

However I do need to find out if 120gb will be enough.

It’s purely to prevent / catch shoplifters rather than an overnight security.
If that 120 GB is per month, then I doubt it will be enough. The shop will be open 30 hrs/wk, so 120 hrs in 4 weeks. That's 1 GB of data per hour over a 4 week period and a bit less than 1 GB per hour over a calendar month (except February and occasionally a 30 day month). Try using an online video size calculator to work out video sizes per hour and you'll see what I mean.