Salsa Merlin Ti bars... What do we know?


Senior Retro Guru
So I only really found out about these recently, and I'm trying to learn more.

They're mentioned here:

Image 5-24-22 at 3.54 PM.webp

From the 1990 catalog. So I guess they came out in '90 or 91'?

I can't find many examples online, other than here:
I have a slight vested interest, as I just recently took receipt of some fairly generously swept back titanium bars, that were ordered with a Merlin through a shop in Colorado, from around the same time. Perhaps a little too early to be a contender (the bike they came with was either an 1989 or 1990 model) but I'm curious if anyone knows how to ID a Salsa designed Merlin bar? Is there anything that would mark them as such, other than decals (which this bar is obviously missing)? Mine have also been cut down, so going by length won't help. Not that 22" wide is in anyway unique for the time!
@mcada I might take you up on that, actually.

Even if mine aren't, technically, them, who will really know except me, you, and now everyone else that reads this thread?!