Saddle, 'bar tape and cable colours - help needed


Senior Retro Guru
So far so good on my Daccordi rebuild but now I've hit a stumbling block.

Despite always having an opinion on other people's choices of saddle and handlebar tape colour combinations I can't decide what to go for on my own bike. :roll: :oops:

I think it comes down to either black or white but which one? I've done crude mock ups in MS Paint but still can't decide. The frame isn't a pure white so white tape etc. do make it look even more off-white.

Is there another colour I could go for? What do you think?

The only thing I am sure of is that the saddle and 'bar tape should be the same.

Any input from the style gurus on here will be greatly appreciated!



White, its not like the bar tape will stay pure white for long. Have to say I quite like a brown saddle. Trying to decide on whether to have brown or white bar tape and hoods on my rebuild with a brown charge spoon saddle, but that'll be on a pale metallic blue frame.
Bar tape must be white. Saddle can be black or white, but it can't have gel in it. That would be wrong, even if the gel-saddles existed at the time.
White tape gets grubby. How about a brown leather saddle and leather handle bar tape. That always looks good.

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