Wanted Rohloff bikes

If you're stretching your budget, you'll be disappointed
because nice quality shimano is lighter, smoother, more efficient, more balanced,
And the rohloff shift is just plain nasty.

Don't tell any of the Rohloff brigade I said that though. 🤫

Our customers who have bought rohloff (its quite a few) are primarily Consultants and sell the bike on after a couple of years and return to derailleur shifting.
Di2 now🤣

As a utility piece it's great,
but it's not utility price.

Rohloffs are very reliable and impervious to weather conditions compared to a Shimano setup. It has its fans.

I have looked at building the Rohloff into a standard frame and it is complicated. You need a torque arm, a chain tensioner and ideally an EX shiftbox. It is what put me off from buying one for my Vittorio.

A good looking Rohloff hub Thorn Raven in Weston-Super-Mare £600, I have bikes with both Alfine 11 and Rohloff and would say the Alfine is perfectly good for nearly all occasions and arguably better value for money but the rohloff has a justifiable reputation for longevity.

Thorn Raven