Rocky Mountain Equipe.

Here it is

Picked it up last night.

Needs a tuneup badly, but some nice parts. I put it on a scale and it reads 26 lb 1 oz. Not bad

Not sure about the year, I didn't see the colour scheme in the catalogue archive, but I'm pretty sure it's early 90's. Anyone care to guess.

Anyways a really nice find for a unbleivable price.


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Headtube cabling say 1991 model.

Post the frame number, for future reference though, treat the syncros forks with respect, they're probably the most expensive part of that bike ;-)
FluffyChicken":1wjrpv4t said:
Headtube cabling say 1991 model.

colourway is deffo 1991 too...nice find, especially the Powerlite forks (which must have been added later)

:shock: dang, i would have bought the bike just for the forks! nice catch!

glad i missed it as i really shouldn't redirect funds away from the ETSX. ;)
Re: Equipe

the brown ones are not hand built and were the work of the mass producer that bought out RM ,The old green and yellows are the hand builts own 2 of em also came in pink, they are ritchey dropouts ritchey tubing on my blizzard and SUMMITS THe summit RL is oval also full xt and syncros!!!

that has wrong bars sem and seat and post is wrong came with top mount XT shifters Syncros stem postand ritchey hyper bars own 3 of em all stock and all bought by me and my wife new!!!
Re: Re:

summit rl":3onpux40 said:
that has wrong bars sem and seat and post is wrong came with top mount XT shifters Syncros stem postand ritchey hyper bars own 3 of em all stock and all bought by me and my wife new!!!
It's rare to find one of these old Rockies with all original parts...good thing we have the catalogue archive here so we can also find out what's stock.

Nice that you've got three Equipes completely stock! Post them up in the "Reader's MTBs" section, I'd love to see some of them! I didn't know they ever made a pink Equipe. I thought the only stock pink frame was the Avalanche?