if i were you i'd post it as "Ringle" branded stem. and not mention anything about it being a Zooka stem, which it is not, and which most people retro people would be after.

prior to someone posted the black one, i would have thought it was a fake that someone had put a lot of effort into. if it was me, i would still be suspect of it's origin.
As the person who raised the original question on Ebay, I feel awfully sorry for putting charlieboy through so much. And also owe an appology because it does seem likely it is a Ringle stem, albeit of the more recent era- post Sunn cost cutting efforts.

Still good conversation sparked up about it! and I am shocked the black one made that price...ive seen kalloy stems that look nicer :p


Wish you all the best with the sale and I promise I wont ever question a "Ringle branded" stem of this appearance again :oops: :LOL: :cool:
lol Jerky, you know i felt like hugging you til the last bit,lol

look artistic licence in the post ok,

its beautiful and iconic, kalloy stem indeed, and if you really did feel so bad theres a buy it now price you know :cool: :LOL:

and you know its all cool :cool: ,
Well, having moved house and having no internet access I come on here to find this thread. Nightmare!
I bought this stem as a 'ringle' stem and not as a ringle 'zooka' stem. I've had zookas in the past and know the design of the back is different, and the zookas have stickers and not etching. The front clamp design is exactly the same though as I have a spare purple one here that I've had a look at.
I can't remember if I had it off here or ebay but I paid a whack for it way back when.
At the time and even now I have no reason to believe it not to be a genuine ringle, although it seems more likely to be a Sunn ringle rather than the more commonly known 'Ringle' although it does say that on the stem.
I appologise for any confusion and I've had no intentions of trying to rip anyone off or sell copied goods. I had the stem on my last 2 bikes and no=one ever mentioned it could be fake.

This is the first I've heard of the problem and have received no pm's from anyone. Not sure what else to say really. Just sorry for all the confusion.

I read this thread with some interest , I saw the original listing on ebay and straight away concluded it was not a ZOOKA . But and this is a big BUT I would not dismiss the claim that it was a Ringle product . I have infact seen a product that looked very similar to this one over the past ten years . Also badged as a Ringle

I have owned quite a few Zookas in my time . Lovely looking , quite light but also quite fragile depending on the batch you bought from .

There seems to be a point thats lost here in this debate , this point I keep making over and over and that is about the snobbery . The oooo thats not a Ringle product , simply because it's not up to Zooka quality levels (but that would be a joke to someone who's face plate broke whilst going hell for leather down hill.)

People are splitting hairs here over a name , Ringle , Sun-Ringle two distinct eras but surely they both fall into the retrobike sphere .

I'll be totally honest with you mate , i'd keep it . How many Zookas do you see advertised ? Loads I've seen perhaps ten of these in as many years . It would be great to go on a late 90's mid range build .

So to sum up then can we all agree this is a Ringle product , but not a Zooka ?
Sun Ringle

I think the consensecous is correct to a point , it may have been manufactured from an era after the original owners passed on control of the company , but it doesn't say Sun Ringle either does it ? It says Ringle .

My point is , we see a lot of Zookas . We don't see many of these so it's rare and deserves to be preserved as much as any Zooka .

Really sometimes , I think the attitudes on this site are not helping in preserving the lower end stuff , which after all is what it's all about isn't it ?
Hi ya, sorry for the late reply, i didnt know the debate had continued as its very hit and miss whether ot alerts me to a new post it seems.

first off Hotgolf,you have nothing to be sorry for, i bought the stem coz it looked pretty, even in my ignorance of all things ringle i knew it was not a zooka stem, a change of plan for the build meant it ws surplus to requirements, so i listed it here with no takers, then put it on the bay where the whole furore began. no blame attached at all matey

during the listing i did get a message fro mthis guy edloweryhotwheels in the USA and i quote :LOL:

Not really a question, Just wanted to say as a collector of MB parts and frames,that this is somewhat of a rare hybrid between new and old very nice piece and one day this has the potential to be fairly valuable. I own several of these and they are rare indeed.

again i would agree in terms of rarity these are like hens teeth compared to zooka

the stem sold for 2 p less than what i paid, which is coool, so the value attached was also correct.

without wishing to start a massive debate, i agree to some degree about the snobbery, but for me at least retrobike is not about the high end boutique parts i could never afford as a young en, i have no affinity or real desire for them, its the mid range stuff and low end stuff that i saw around me and used myself which appeals to me at least, hence the reason spending silly money compared to its original retail price doing up the muirwoods, and the next project of a cindercone, Kona's were bikes i saw around me, had the chance to ride etc and weere desirable to me,

i also think it will be the low end stuff that does not get preserved which is a bit of a worry,


been fun and im sure it will crop up again, ;) ;) :LOL: