This is/was my sons bike. He paid well over a £1000 for it. He used it for a 3 mile commute to work and the odd 25 miler with me. He did not commute regularly with it if the bus was running. It is therefore very low mileage. I've personally done about 5 25 mile runs on it. The bike has probably done about 1000 miles. My son for some reason had it professionally serviced about 3 times. Once they talked him into a new BB and chain. He insists it has to be serviced regularly. It has stood in my garage for two years. I have a shed-full of bikes so it's not being used. It has a couple of marks/scratches on the toptube. The chainset has been rubbed of paint due to my son riding the bike with flat pedals and trainers. There is hardly any chainset wear.
Campag 10 speed Veloce shifters. Campag Mechs, Skeleton brakes and Campag 52/39 Centaur Chainset. Is has never been dropped or abused and is a delight to ride. White leather Selle saddle. 58cm frame 53cmTT. Pickup North Manchester.
Will need to keep pedals and pump. £400 ono.
Campag 10 speed Veloce shifters. Campag Mechs, Skeleton brakes and Campag 52/39 Centaur Chainset. Is has never been dropped or abused and is a delight to ride. White leather Selle saddle. 58cm frame 53cmTT. Pickup North Manchester.
Will need to keep pedals and pump. £400 ono.