Old School Grand Master
I'm surprised you think I'm immodest when I'm simply stating a near universal truth - we are by an order of magnitude a more wealthy and property rich nation now than we were 40 years ago when I bought my first bike on a wage of £390 a month. 'You must be on drugs'... It's not me throwing around the predictable ad homs. . I'm not saying 3 grand is peanuts, but it's simply stating the bleeding obvious - it's currently the norm for a carbon club bike or a half decent electric assist. To deny that reality, that's kinda stoopid imho.I think we've heard enough of this 3 grand is nothing, we are not proper collectors nonsense now. I think the same point has been made 7 or 8 times. You call others rude, I am not impressed by your modesty either.
Oh and I've expanded on my point that three grand is not excessive for a luxury product 3 times, not 7 or 8, always happy to help the innumerate among us.
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