Retrobike Touring.

Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Neil":2h3u0lhe said:
Trebz":2h3u0lhe said:
Yet another tedious yarn from me about messing about in a tent.

Not at all - I love following these sorts of threads. This is the good stuff you get from forums.

Even if I may not easily be able to fit such things in at this point in my life, I'd maybe like to at some point, and it all goes into the noggin' as inspiration and useful tips / gotchas.

highlandsflyer":2h3u0lhe said:
+1 to Neil's point.

For some of us, this is the enticement to cycling.

I am, on the whole, not interested in group riding, trail centres, pissing about endlessly consulting colour charts to put bikes together.

Give me a lightweight kit, a solid over engineered bike and a sixty mile loop of wilderness terrain with some fishing and you have given me a weekend of delight!


Great comments. I'm hoping to push some level of inspiration and knowledge onto some of you guys and gals out there, I'm not one for 'Blogging' so this is as close as I'll get

I'm really getting into this short tour aspect of biking, something I have never experienced before but seem to be taking to really quickly.

I'm using the Trans Pennine Trail as a way of experimenting with kit before going a little further afield. The next ride will push things a little more.

Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Jezmellors":la3cn5jz said:
100% DEET from amazon mate, it melts their eyeballs at 50 yards.

That's a bit harsh Jez, I was thinking more along the lines of telling them a really boring story about work that would bore them into retirement.

But then.............
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Jezmellors":2kpsc55j said:
100% DEET from amazon mate, it melts their eyeballs at 50 yards.

Also it dissolves some plastics, Swatch fronts for one. Be careful when applying.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Absolutely loving this thread. My Saracen adventure touring bike is now complete, and as soon a my new trailer arrives I'll be out for a night or two with the tent, and possibly a second tent of the trouser variety.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Update my mess tins for lightweight ones, and as half my Trangia stove kit seems to have gone walkabout I've treated myself to a nice new lightweight gel biofuel stove. Just waiting for my new rear axle and bearings to arrive and I'm off.
Re: Retro MTB Touring.

Chopper1192":r0xr2yxu said:
Update my mess tins for lightweight ones, and as half my Trangia stove kit seems to have gone walkabout I've treated myself to a nice new lightweight gel biofuel stove. Just waiting for my new rear axle and bearings to arrive and I'm off.

Do you have a picture or a link for the stove.