Retrobike Touring.

That is looking pretty good!

You'll want stiff soled shoes, gloves with a little padding, shorts too. Those contact points need looking after.

Your going to be putting weight on your arse there - I usually recommend pedalling out of the saddle every mile or two just for a couple of dozen pedal strokes - it just allows the muscles and tendons to stretch around and stops a lot of discomfort.

Good to see bar ends, they offer not only a change of position, but help climbing hills, and efficient use of your upper body muscles -
Also helps reduce the risk of wrist pain.

Stylistically unacceptable on a riser obvs... you could hide them in a pannier until you need them!

But Scotland's flat right?😉
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Turns out I had misunderstood/underestimated our route slightly 😁 . We actually went from:
Day 1 - Inverness to Fort William
Day 2 - Fort William to Oban
Day 3 - Oban to Lochgilphead
Day 4 - Lochgilphead to Tarbert
Day 5 - Tarbert to The Isle of Arran - across Arran and back on the ferry to Androssan and then a train on to Glasgow. Almost all on NCR 78 . It was a brilliant route and the bike was great with no mechanical problems , not even a puncture! I did buy some chain lube mid trip because it developed a squeak. I found the frame flexing under the weight slightly unnerving at first but I got used to it haha. Was pleased I got the ortlieb panniers , they were really good, can see why they are recommended by so many. Bar ends were definitely a good idea, really helped with climbing. Cheers for all the advice I got in here.
First few days were maybe slightly too long, think it was 70 miles ish from Inverness to fort William with a diversion off the usual route due to forestry work. Quite hard work towards the end with a bit of weight on the bike and a lot of gravelly forest tracks, often cycling into the wind (apparently more people do this route the opposite direction to what we did because the wind is usually blowing this way…) but it was manageable.
Some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever cycled through (or seen generally) , I’d highly recommend the ncr78 , road surfaces were also often really good and traffic was minimal. The weather was changeable but not terrible…Or not terrible compared to everywhere else in the country the last week, terrible when you consider this is supposed to be summer! We did get very wet a couple of times . People told us they had not had any nice weather in that part of Scotland at all this year!