ummm, anybody need a production line set up, or motor design work, I'm your man!
Speciality is car electric power steering, guess not much call among retrobikers :?
Train driver. Ex-banker (high risk/high value import/export).

There must be something useful in there somewhere, not quite sure where though...
mmm, well I'm an IT Trainer by trade, Mostly MS Office, but also Photoshop and a few other bits, so Learning and Development is the game.

However, I'm also a photographer, and until recently took appart and put back together Minis (the proper ones that is ;) ).

So as you can see, lots of skills you guys could use :roll: ➡️
i own a bed shop so can offer expert mattress advice and a discount to any forum members!

also have aquired an unhealthy knowledge of car alloy wheel fitments!
I'm another graphic designer. All sorts of branding, print design and websites.
I can give advice on any of those things from a design/marketing point of view (rather than technical/programming/computer questions).

Also a DJ, but NOT weddings...
Not much much use to Retrobikers

Well I dont think I hold too much for the retrobike clan either ;)
I setup and run a seal rehab unit for a major British marine rescue charity.
If you have injured/stranded seal that needs rearing or vet help and then released back to the wild then I'm your man. Advise on seal issues around UK and also coordinate for rescue of strandings in Scotland of whales, dolphin porpoise etc.
But I do have a ever growing wealth of useless information about all things specialized. ;)
I have the most totally useful job in the whole world . . I'm an artist, Big abstracts, portraits and graffiti type stuff.

So any questions on contemporary art, drop me a line ;)

sorry !