RetroBike in decline?


I seem to recall a similar thread around a year ago. As has already been mentioned, many of us ride through the winter, but the restoring/building side of it tends to get shelved. Both leaving and coming home in the dark tends to do that for me. For example, I restored a Pashley trike for my wife's birthday in a fortnight. Every evening til it got dark, and some mornings before work. If she'd have been born in January instead of June, it would've taken months.

Retrobike is the only forum I keep returning to. I've been on plenty of others, mostly car related, but they soon lose their interest. It's also the only forum where I've met other members. I'd have to agree about the shop comment though; I ordered a couple of T shirts and some stickers a while back, and they took about 3 weeks to arrive. That said, when I emailed John about it, he was very apologetic and I did get way more stickers than I ordered as a result.


Re: Re:

Retro Spud":smxdl63j said:
If it wasn't for Mike Muz, LGF and the Jocks ....oh and Pedro there wouldn't be any rides, you were!

Now, I take afence or maybe a gate at this statement... :LOL:

Pedro only organised one ride and he was late...

The Yorkie's have held at least one ride a month since 2009 (I think we missed a ride as we were all snowed in) and hold a annual weekender.

I do understand peoples frustration about rides... but PEOPLE NEED TO ATTEND RIDES or AEC/DEC's lose interest in organising them.

As for the how the site is run... I would imagine John's life has changed a fair bit since it was started twelve years ago,
I'd also say its still doing well looking at other bike sites that have come and gone or now have few visitors.

How to help make Retrobike more popular.. I think your asking in the wrong place, its full of old bike nerd's here :LOL:

I was about to pipe up in your defense Vern. The Yorkshire section has maintained the rides through the hard work of the few. Just wish I could make a few these days.

Oh, and Marge, that was my thread I think. I agree with what you wrote.

I don't want to offend any of the mods in particular. As has been said, John - as well as others - personal situations have changed. As have non-mods too.
However, as has also been said, there are few folk organizing rides. Which is very sad.
SO many people on here, build up these old bikes, and rarely get to/bother turning up to, rides organized by the few of us that can be bothered.
Of the rides I have organized, there are just two or three people that I know will turn up. Lots of people show interest, then as the day approaches, interest wanes.
I will still organize the rides, as I like to do them, I only wish others would join us in the fun that is a ride on retro bikes! There's nothing extreme about mine, I scare easily! :LOL:

Ironically, having expressed interest in taking over the AEC position due to the admitted apathy of the current one, supported by the folks on here who do turn up, nothing happens due to, er, apathy.

I know things have been difficult for him, and am understanding, but if I don't organize something, exactly how many rides will have happened in the last year? One. Thanks to Tim. The one time I was away and couldn't make it! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh ! !

The actual top local mod, The Green Rabbit, has posted on here even less than the AEC. Last time he did, was to flog something, I believe. His circumstances have also changed, so what happens now? Oh yes, that's it. We sit on our hands and wait for something to happen.

Anyway, that's enough from me, I'm off to update two build threads. As well as, ironically, a post on 'Today's ride' !

I don't mean to upset or offend anyone, and hope I don't. I just wanted to express my views, which I think are valid.


Can't really argue with anything much that's been said so far, apart from the idea of me organising something, I'm absolutely sure that never happened!

From what I've heard, the site stumbled when Google changed the rules on advertising revenue and slashed 80% off Jon's income, which made running the site fulltime - and I believe it was a fulltime job - became entirely untenable and he was forced to resume a 'proper job'. Obviously that was a massive kick in the nuts for the site, which is a huge time-sink for everyone involved, particularly on the tech side.

I hope I've got that right, but be prepared for corrections! ;)

From a personal perspective, the forum format is very clunky compared to something like CTC which runs on Tapatalk and is slick as can be on a phone or tablet. Notification, one tap and you're back in the conversation - not open emails, open specific email, click link to open another browser... Right now I think I'm in a window of my email browser, random. As a consequence CTC is a pleasure to bounce around, whereas RB is an effort.

With regards to organising rides it's the same story - it takes time. I'd love to be area coordinator but I can't promise to have the time that's needed to make it work. The Yorkshire lot, scumbags though they are, have done an absolutely sterling job of keeping a regular calendar, definitely something to be praised. But I think it's fair to say that most of that is organised through Facebook, particularly at the early stages, then posted on here almost as a courtesy. It's a shame that the forum isn't slick enough to be the first port of call.

Price of parts seems to be through the roof at the moment, everywhere except here, which I blame on the armies of "oh man, remember these? It's a thumb gear lever!?! lololol" Facebookers that've multiplied like bunnies in Spring. I know I should be pleased but ffs some of them are annoying!

Lost my thread now...
Yeah, time, we need people with the time to do something regularly, and if anyone has we need to embrace and thank them and support them any way we can, even if that's just offering to open gates on a ride or whatever you can do. Big thanks to Nick on this front - I'm looking forward to Mayhem this year probably more than ever before :cool:

*the Yorkies know I love them really ;)

**did anyone really make it this far?! Fear I may have killed the thread...

Talking of Facebook, I posted an Arundel Loop ride there last year, to hopefully get even more people out. Lots' of interest, but only one extra bum on a seat. Albeit a friendly bum, good to see you, Klein Mad Chris!

Now I realize a lot of folk I know and have even met, are on there. Maybe more than here. Personally, I prefer Retrobike everytime.

The day was changed to a Sunday, as one rider couldn't make the Saturday. The weather? Great Saturday, awful Sunday.

Did the rider in question show up? No.

Lesson learnt.
