I've often wondered why the 1997 rule is in place, and why it hasn't moved as the years have moved on. I guess it's an arbitrary point after which disc brakes and full-sus became more 'the norm' but still it seems to cut off a few better retro-style designs - Pace RC36s, for a start.
Pierre":53hps0at said:
I've often wondered why the 1997 rule is in place, and why it hasn't moved as the years have moved on. I guess it's an arbitrary point after which disc brakes and full-sus became more 'the norm' but still it seems to cut off a few better retro-style designs - Pace RC36s, for a start.

Actually it's the point where front suspension started working, V-brakes became the norm and where the crazy frame designs went mostly extinct.

I'd put a second point in 2005-2006. That's when discs became the majority in bike shops and external BBs appeared.
It varies a bit in my mind as different manufacturers adopted modern features at different times, but in terms of the MTB period that interests me c.1997 is about right.
While the subject comes up a lot I always find the discussion interesting. We all have different views and memories of what is retro so the cutoff could be all over the place. Myself I see it in the 98-2000 range, but even in that area it depends on the bike. A steel Dekerf is more retro than an aluminum Fisher as an example.

I can see the need/desire to have a 2nd tier of retro up to the early 2000's, but there is no way to pick that next point. Maybe a vote for all members to decide?
persoanlly i think 2000ish... but 97, maybe the point where a DH bike wasn't a modified version of a regular do it all bike...