Retro Style Meets Latest Technology with Ringle Style Cage

The damn website is one big FLASH site. :(
Get it into a proper web page.
And what sort of price is the bottle cage going to be. A few quid ?
MADJEZ":qpvnlrus said:
I'm sure if you did these in a couple of colours and stuck a Retrobike logo on them you'd shift a load on here.

I have emailed John the main man and if he wants me to do some retrobike ones then i will gladly do them.
02gf74":28dhco3b said:

(Assuming I understand what 3D printing is) Why does this need to be 3D printed? Surely this part can be made by stamping and bending a piece of aluminium sheet? It is hardly a complex shape and I reckon can be done at home without special tools.

sorry if I am criticising your great idea but it does seem an overkill.

A cheap DIY version of this would be to take a coke can and a pair of some scissors. :LOL:

BTW I'd be interested in a linky to the site ; is it ?

I fear you have n idea what 3D printing is :) If you want to ride around with an old coke can as a bottle cage then you crack on, its not for me though. These cages are made from Glass filled Nylon and knocking one up in your garage to the same quality and standard as one of these is not easy to say the least. I am a CNC machinist by trade so understand the requirements very well of working to tolerances of +/-0.1mm by hand and it is an art.

If it was that easy to do then would everyone not just do that rather than buying one? Either way everyone is entitled to their own opinion but thankfully for me these cages are proving a hit and I have orders to supply two UK race teams already.
If it's a reproduction of the Ringle style you are offering it needs to be made out of anodised aluminium - otherwise it's just another plastic bottle cage (or glass filled nylon - still not correct!)

Bit of advice - don't come and offer a product then as soon as people ask questions about it start trying to belittle them. Your last post basically says "you don't know what you're talking about, I'm ace, and I don't need your trade anyway cos I'm selling loads". You may be unaware that this is how it reads but that's the impression I get. Sorry.

You may know a lot about machining but marketing and selling is a whole different sport.... ;-)
Rob Atkin":rwpcdvet said:
If it's a reproduction of the Ringle style you are offering it needs to be made out of anodised aluminium - otherwise it's just another plastic bottle cage (or glass filled nylon - still not correct!)

Bit of advice - don't come and offer a product then as soon as people ask questions about it start trying to belittle them. Your last post basically says "you don't know what you're talking about, I'm ace, and I don't need your trade anyway cos I'm selling loads". You may be unaware that this is how it reads but that's the impression I get. Sorry.

You may know a lot about machining but marketing and selling is a whole different sport.... ;-)

I am sorry if that was the way it read but at the same time i felt the previous comment was also pretty harsh about the product. The product i am offering is in the style of a ringle cage as i said at the beginning but not the same as a ringle cage, i am sorry if i misled anyone. It may sound like just another plastic bottle cage but i dont believe that anyone else offers a cage that is custom built to your exact requirements, but i may be wrong. For the very reason you have highlighted I try to never sell by email as it can sound harsh or rude when that is not the intent. If thats how it came across then i do apologise. I do fear though that many people do not understand 3D printing technology but i dont wish to belittle them but would love to educate them as it is such a fascinating world. The company making them is, well worth a look and my deepest apologies once again.
martybmw3":15aa6tf8 said:
I fear you have n idea what 3D printing is :) These cages are made from Glass filled Nylon and knocking one up in your garage to the same quality and standard as one of these is not easy to say the least. I am a CNC machinist by trade so understand the requirements very well of working to tolerances of +/-0.1mm by hand and it is an art.

If it was that easy to do then would everyone not just do that rather than buying one? Either way everyone is entitled to their own opinion but thankfully for me these cages are proving a hit and I have orders to supply two UK race teams already.

Forget the tongue-in-cheek coke can - 3D printing for something that is a sheet of aluminium, punched and then bent into shape seems a bit of an overkill. Show me a complex 3D component that would need a lathe, mill and/or CNC to make and I will be impressed. :p

I don't think they are hard to make and I would take up your challenge of making one of these from sheet aluminium but it would be a waste of my time, probably won't look as good unless I was prepared to spend a huge amount of time which I am not, and this would be using hand tool, a vice etc. (I converted to water bladder technology so no longer use cages). The time taken far outweighs the benefit hence I suspect everyone is not making them.
That link does not work for me.

Shame the cages are not alloy, but interesting never the less.
martybmw3":mrgcln47 said:
I am sorry if that was the way it read but at the same time i felt the previous comment was also pretty harsh about the product. .

Sorry if it came across like that - the joys of posintg on the internet - but I wasn't meaning to be critical of the product itself just the way it is manufactured.

To me it would be like making a washer using a 4 axis CNC machine when the same could be done with a drill and a file.
02gf74":2e9txei6 said:
martybmw3":2e9txei6 said:
I am sorry if that was the way it read but at the same time i felt the previous comment was also pretty harsh about the product. .

Sorry if it came across like that - the joys of posintg on the internet - but I wasn't meaning to be critical of the product itself just the way it is manufactured.

To me it would be like making a washer using a 4 axis CNC machine when the same could be done with a drill and a file.

:) no problem mate, I do hate posting sometimes and i take your point. But if i can help anyone with any projects or parts they need making then that is the aim here, not a get rich quick scheme, just trying to help out fellow cyclists who have cool ideas but no way of bringing them to life.