Retro racing pics

this is keeping me busy heres a few more


  • Jez Avery Malverns 1992.jpg
    Jez Avery Malverns 1992.jpg
    55.1 KB · Views: 1,870
  • JMC Nemba Lyme Park 92.jpg
    JMC Nemba Lyme Park 92.jpg
    46 KB · Views: 1,870
  • Simon Kipling BMBF DH Hamsterly 1992.jpg
    Simon Kipling BMBF DH Hamsterly 1992.jpg
    169.6 KB · Views: 1,870
  • scan0008 (4).jpg
    scan0008 (4).jpg
    111 KB · Views: 1,870

Damn, beat me to it :)

I was at the Lyme Park NEMBA in 1992, and a few others, must have pics somewhere. I think my first race was the Cheshire Classic at Bosley. Wetness.
I still need to dig my pictures out from the loft and scan them in but I'm starting to get a few through from the ones my dad's doing.
Don't know who this chap is from the 1992 Cheshire Classic but he's having a bad day for sure :shock:


  • 19921001.09 Cheshire Classic Maccfld - Copy.jpg
    19921001.09 Cheshire Classic Maccfld - Copy.jpg
    66 KB · Views: 1,779
NakedGav":3i21367x said:
I still need to dig my pictures out from the loft and scan them in but I'm starting to get a few through from the ones my dad's doing.
Don't know who this chap is from the 1992 Cheshire Classic but he's having a bad day for sure :shock:
not tne best advert for DAVE yates !!!
It certainly seems to be, I just remember it being a really sh1tty horrible day. :(


  • 19921001.08 Cheshire Classic Maccfld.jpg
    19921001.08 Cheshire Classic Maccfld.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 2,002
Great Pics Dan, Nice one TSC!

Gonna have to get all the pics from me folks home in Spain, obviously got loads of a lot of these races!! Keep saying it, but will have to dig out the vids too.

:D :D
durango":16ti2i6m said:
here's a few of the raleigh days.

going to have to get Rory to get some old pics up here soon, bound to be a load from the Raleigh days.


Great pics all.
