Retro racing pics

Paul Eggleton":58ci9ywq said:
Some Plymouth Tomac pics :D



Paul - I must have been stood right next to you when you took these pics! I have some very similar...

Got some of Johnny T at Newnham the year after too. Will post them up on here once I've got them out of mummys attic and scanned them.. lol
Who was the guy (#5) in front of JT on the pipeline?
Gary Foord?

TSC. - I'm on it... There is a load of my first ever race too, Coombe park.
Black and green Marin, Black and Orange Cycling top, White and Pink Etto helmet... nice to see everything matched.
totti1978":1mubvnxj said:
Who was the guy (#5) in front of JT on the pipeline?
Gary Foord?

TSC. - I'm on it... There is a load of my first ever race too, Coombe park.
Black and green Marin, Black and Orange Cycling top, White and Pink Etto helmet... nice to see everything matched.

yup,gary ford alright,very underated rider bitd
Rob Atkin":3oafw60h said:
Oh my word Jonny T looks so cool in those pics. Coolest ever rider has to be him, surely?


The only mountain bike racer I ever had a poster of, had a great big poster up on my bedroom wall of him caning it.
As a young teen I must have deemed him cool enough to be placed up on the wall amongst posters of Jordan, Ferrari F-40, Everton Team Photo's and Apache Helicopters....
Paul Eggleton said:
Some Plymouth Tomac pics :D


superb pic of how to handle your bike ;)

So funny that these days people come into my shop and only willingly to go downhill if there bike has 120mm suspension and 230mm disc brakes.. :LOL: