As a certified Surly fanboy that religiously subscribe to Surlyism and alcoholism, a perfect equilibrium, I agree with you. The Surly frames are versatile, sturdy and my favourite thing about is the wide stays. My Cross Check can accommodate a 2.1, but as I'm a lard arse, I stick to 2.0's because larger might rub when I put some torque down. I love how easily a Surly can be transformed into something completely different, and it's got delicious affordable standards, no weird threads, no weird sized holes, no madness.I get that but French frames must be an absolute PITA to deal with - I won't touch a Gitane, Motobecane or Peugeot over here unless its one of the later British standard ones. Here we have gobs of quality Asian steel for cheap, but you can get a well used Surly at very nice prices and they have such lovely wide stays. My other thought would be a vintage touring bike with good clearance or a late 80's hybrid.
That said they're overpriced. The only selling point they really have is the versatility and the fact that they've got a reputation as being "bombproof", which let's face it.. Any overbuilt 4130 frame is bombproof.. Now I have experienced difference in ride quality from year to year in Surly frames, and I think they're quite compliant and flexy in the right ways - which suggests that despite the tubeset being bog standard, they know how to engineer a frame, and they don't go overboard with crazy geometries, making them super capable for just about anything. They're classic steel providers to a world that's gone nuts. And they love to talk about alcohol, which is a selling point.
And on to your point, about cheap second hand Surly frames - in Europe they're usually incredibly overpriced because they're seen as kind of exotic. I myself have spent a fortune on my 3 Surly's, and I wouldn't trade them for the world (I wouldn't be able to live it down either, the fecking audacity of a certified Surly fanboy to ditch his fix). But they're not a great budget option here. A 90's steel trekking/touring bike thingymabob would be a better candidate. Probably as solid as Surly

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