Repair Shop (BBC)

Do they do Raleigh Choppers?

Not unless there’s a suitably saccharine back story about how grandma used to pull wicked wheelies whilst holding a bag of chips and crispy bits wearing flares and a worrying brown tank top and her last wish was that some one would drag her bike from the canal where she through it a fit of rage when grandpa said it wasn’t cool anymore,
Not unless there’s a suitably saccharine back story about how grandma used to pull wicked wheelies whilst holding a bag of chips and crispy bits wearing flares and a worrying brown tank top and her last wish was that some one would drag her bike from the canal where she through it a fit of rage when grandpa said it wasn’t cool anymore,
Granny's last jump by the canal..........

Her leg went into spasm at a key moment and she nudged it in.
Not unless there’s a suitably saccharine back story about how grandma used to pull wicked wheelies whilst holding a bag of chips and crispy bits wearing flares and a worrying brown tank top and her last wish was that some one would drag her bike from the canal where she through it a fit of rage when grandpa said it wasn’t cool anymore,

Needs to be alot worse than that. She was pulling wicked wheelies riding as fast as her polio legs would let her whilst a tsunami was already a mile inland and moving fast and all the while she was being dive bombed by Stukas and dodging ied's by the roadside.